Saturday, August 31, 2019
Media Portrayal of Blacks in an Ever-Changing Society
They are ingrained In our minds In some form or another, and many times are subconscious. Tolerance is the 21st century answer to this issue, UT that was not always the case, even In the media, an establishment Intended to entertain the public as a whole. This paper will discuss the following question: why is priming still used to stereotype black culture In American media when we live in a time where egalitarian norms have made it unfavorable to appear prejudiced? In essence.I want to understand why the media still portrays blacks to fit their historical stereotypes, even though we live In a colliding nation. It is an important question because this stereotyping contradicts the values and beliefs of the majority of American citizens and the way we want to advance as an open-minded society. History of Stereotyping To begin answering this question, we must first look at the history of how black stereotypes were used in the media, beginning with entertainment.Nineteenth and early twent ieth century plays featured black characters, played by white actors, and usually took the part of a few major stereotypes: the caretaker, or black woman who took care of household chores of whites, the Incompetent buffoon who had difficulty assimilating in a white society because of his stupidity, and the aggressive and sordidly black who disrupted the peaceful white society (Dixon). More often than not, these stereotypes fit the culture of the south rather than the north, simply because of geographic and economic factors.Even In literature. Blacks were portrayed as dimwitted, lazy creatures that lacked morals and standards (Wilson). One of the most famous ways blacks were portrayed in the media In the nineteenth and twentieth century was the application of black makeup to white actors, who acted as one of the aforementioned roles in performances. â€Å"Blackjack†as It was allied, was used up to World War l, when black actors began taking the stage, although limited to the roles they could play (Blatant). Up until the sass's, blacks were still heavily stereotyped in the media.This early priming set the stage for new mediums to depict these stereotypes, mainly in television and advertising. Blacks in Advertising We are now able to look at how priming was and still is used in television advertising, beginning in the offs when television became a mass medium. Although we sometimes do not realize it, stereotypical advertisements are quite prevalent in days media. Take one look at Aunt Jimmie. The Infamous maple syrup lady. She clearly represents the â€Å"mamma†stereotype; a polite, calm, down home southern maid who merrily lives to serve others.The marketers goal Is to prime us to Imagine a 1 OFFS sweet tempered mother Teller serving us Dreariest when we think AT pancakes Ana maple syrup. Quaker Oats is not the only conglomerate that is priming us with stereotypes through advertisements. Before the black civil rights movement, it was commonplace in the south to call an older black man â€Å"uncle†as a sign of disrespect Weatherperson). Uncle Ben's rice products feature a grinning elderly black man with a suit and a bow tie. Uncle Ben represents the stereotypical post-civil War well dressed subservient attendant who catered to the every wish of his white overseer.In this instance, the advertisers of Uncle Ben's Rice Bowls prime the public to believe we are being served by Uncle Ben because the meal is quick easy to make. Based on stereotypes we have learned throughout our lives, this image and label strengthens our predispositions, and makes us think of the black elderly servant that Uncle Ben is meant to be. It is not Just fictional characters illustrated as logos that prime us to think of black stereotypes when exposed to advertising.Frito-Lay, Storage, and even MAT are among dozens of corporations that prime its audiences to assume black stereotypes with their messages. Argued as one of the funniest commercials in the 2010 Superpower, the infamous Traitors commercial was perceived by many people as stereotyping blacks and black culture. In the commercial, a black man walks into his date's house, where an attractive black woman answers the door, saying that she will e ready soon. She introduces him to her young child, who is playing video games.When his date turns and walks into the next room, the man obviously stares at the woman's buttocks in admiration, and picks up a Traitor from the boys bowl. Upon seeing both of these actions, the little boy slaps the man across the face, and says, â€Å"Keep your hands off my mama, and keep your hands off my Traitors. †This commercial portrays a few age old stereotypes of blacks, and some fairly new black American stereotypes. First, the stereotype of the highly sexually aggressive black ale comes into play when the black man clearly checks out the black woman's behind.Although this stereotype is common among young male adults of all races in A merican culture, it reinforces the overlapping historical stereotype of the sexually aggressive black man. In addition, this ad depicts the relatively new stereotype of the single black female mother. In 2000, the percentage of black single mothers reached 62 percent (Raspberry). In lower class black families, the percentage is even higher. Another stereotype that exists in this commercial is the defiant, insubordinate black hill. With increased exposure to ghetto customs due to pop culture, black children have been stereotyped as being disobedient and unruly.Especially now that ghetto culture is being glorified in pop culture, black children could potentially feel the need to fit this â€Å"positive†stereotype and act in accordance to what is expected of them in this society. This stereotype is especially detrimental to young black males because that culture places a negative connotation on academic success, and at such a crucial point in one's life, it can be unfavorable f or these adolescents to accept this reconciled notion of unruliness and petty criminal activity.Priming in the Music Industry It is quite clear to anyone who watches MAT or follows the hip-hop scene that the major themes presented in the songwriting and music videos are the following: making money, having sexual (and sometimes violent) relations with women, doing drugs, Ana Delve Involved In criminal actively Rap music, wanly was primarily created in the Bronx by blacks and Latino, â€Å"became the cry of ghetto pain and ultimately their great hope for a way out. †Evidently, MAT focuses on the hip-hop genre to be the rug of its music videos and television shows.Because hip-hop is undisputed governed largely by black rappers who weave tales of the difficulty of ghetto life, gaining money through drug/gang related activities, and sexually exploiting women, MAT is priming its audiences of millions of teens to associate hip-hop and the ghetto life with black people. It is necess ary to skew slightly off topic but stay relevant to my original question by making the bold assertion that MAT plays a large part in maintaining and promoting the racial differences between blacks and the rest of the American community that eave existed for centuries.In the article Predicting Cognitive and Behavioral Effects of Gangs Rap, it is stated that â€Å"a number of prominent African American leaders, the National Black Women's Political Caucus, and eminent African American scholars have been highly vocal in their outrage over the music (industry), labeling it as racially popularizing and, ultimately self destructive†(Hansen). Teens are the single most suggestible age group, and are inclined to emulate popular icons based not only on their accomplishments in their certain field, but also their apparent inference, which the majority of teens tend to lack based on social norms and biological changes.There has been a history of arrests in the hip-hop world among the mos t prominent artists in the genre, including Ill Wayne and Outpace Shaker (Martinez). Both were sentenced for involvement in criminal activity. These celebrities should not be emulated for their involvement in crime, but since their entire image is based around this lifestyle, it makes teens think delinquency is acceptable or even admired.This long standing stereotype of the black criminal is only being reinforced y MAT and the hip-hop genre, which promotes criminal activity and the mistreatment of women, as well as primes the public to perceive lower class blacks as involved in crime. Ultimately, commercials prime us to subconsciously digest racial stereotypes, and many times we do not realize it simply because of our inherent and ingrained beliefs about certain cultures.These specific cases reveal how priming is still used to stereotype black culture in advertisements even though we live in a time where egalitarian norms have made it unfavorable to appear prejudiced. The Power of I mplicit Racial Messages The crux of my question lies within the theory of implicit racial appeals. How is it that the media can influence the public through racial messages in a society where the norm is to reject any form of racial segregation? According to A Theory of Racial Appeals, whites will accept implicit racial messages if two circumstances are presented.They want to appear to be completely color blind and not reveal their inherent prejudices to society, but they also wish to remain above blacks as a culture in society. While these circumstances can be argued to be true or false on an individual level, they remain true as a whole for the white population in America. Many people also feel that it is unacceptable to think of oneself as a racist, which contradicts their wish to keep blacks down in society. Implicit racial messaging mainly occurs in politics, where the Job of politicians is to code words and phrases in order to Innocence.In one Instance, In a 1 House Tate auto Violent creme Control, Republicans argued against a piece of legislation granting money for a midnight basketball program meant to offer inner city youths recreational activities. Republicans mockingly argued that â€Å"hugs for thugs†was not necessary for these youths. Democrats ended up charging the Republicans as being racist, and using coded language in the bill an implicit racial message, designed to influence the decision in their favor (Hurwitz).The Power of Explicit Racial Messages Just as implicit racial messages influence by using encoded language to reveal the underlying racial implication, explicit racial messages need not use code words or phrases to veil its fundamental inference. Essentially, the point of an explicit racial usage is to make a clear statement that points out an obvious claim that would be considered racist among the majority of the population. One way explicit racial messaging is used in the media is through comedy shows such as Family Guy and South Park.In one episode of Family Guy, a black man and a white man are in a bowling alley, and the black man mentions how he â€Å"feels a strange satisfaction when the black ball knocks over the self righteous white pins. †The white man responds that it is not the white pins' fault for being self righteous because the black ball is in their neighborhood uninvited. The black man then responds that the black ball has done nothing wrong, to which the white man responds that if the black ball is innocent it has nothing to fear.This type of comedy is considered an explicit racial message, about how a group of whites are stereotypically uncomfortable and unwelcoming to a black person who enters into the vicinity. In addition, it demonstrates how whites believe that blacks are always up to no good. This type of messaging is considered detrimental in a serious tone, yet only considered crass or crude when presented in a comedic light. This type of message indeed primes the audien ce to consider stereotypes when observing the media presented.The Importance of Our Cultural Backgrounds While it is clear that priming is used in the media to influence the public perception, many believe that these subtle influences are wrong. Many people believe that cultural priming shows racial differences in a negative light, and that the media should make sure that race or culture does not come into play when advertising. However, different cultures make life more colorful, and our differences should be celebrated, not shunned. One's cultural heritage is something to be proud f, not hidden or masked.In the case of the Aunt Jimmie maple syrup, a black person should not be offended that a black mother like figure is the logo of a company. History is history, and even if the company came out and explicitly stated that the intention of this logo is to represent a motherly figure that was commonplace in the American south during the nineteenth century, why should anyone be mad? Th at is like saying that a pizzeria is prejudiced for having a ceramic statue of a man with a moustache and an olive complexion holding a pizza outside the restaurant.People would be celebrating their culture heritage and their cultural history, not trying to pretend the bad or embarrassing parts did not occur. While many people argue that equality is what our founding fathers based our declaration of independence on, it can be argued that our society has become too sensitive when it comes to race and culture. The media has been attacked numerous times for not being â€Å"sensitive†enough toward certain groups. It Is now commonplace to read In ten news Tanat a reporter was fired for saying â€Å"lynching,†or a politically incorrect term is being banned from television and print.Conclusion Ultimately, there is not one answer to explain why priming is still used to stereotype black culture in American media when we live in a time where egalitarian norms have made it unfa vorable to appear prejudiced. However, if we forget these stereotypes or any other cultural stereotype due to the increasingly exaggerated sensitivity and politically correctness we as Americans seem to have adopted, we will lose a part of history that has had great significance in who we are today, how we live and how far we have come as a society in accepting or rejecting certain customs.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Childcare working in partnerships Essay
Working in Partnerships TASK A Task A 1 (ref 1.1) Working in partnerships with -: Volunteers Health visitors Child development officers Staff/colleagues Social workers SALT – Speak and Language Therapist Ofsted Educational psychologists EYTA – Early Years Teaching Advisor Manager Healthcare Professionals Room Leaders Other settings – Primary teachers SENCO – Special need co-ordinator Children Chef/Kitchen – allergies, food requirements, vegetarian EAL Worker – English Additional Language Parents and carers It is important to work in partnership with parents/carers because they’ll feel supported, included in the child’s progress and ability. Also they’ll feel that their comments, opinions are being accepted and valued. Working in partnership with the parents/carers will also support, improve and maintain communication within the whole family. Multi – Disciplinary Teams They work with other services such as children’s centres, social services and someone working in a voluntary organisation. Working in partnerships with Multi-Disciplinary Teams is also important as they encourage everyone who works and supports the child to think of the whole child. Also respecting roles and responsibilities. Other Professionals Working in partnership with other professionals, can able us to support the child by gaining specialist advice about potential barriers, which may interfere with a child’s development. Colleagues Working in partnerships with our colleagues allows us to work together and communicate efficiently with regards to the child and shows continuity of care. Task A 2 (ref 1.2) The three relevant partners for communication and information sharing are primary teachers, chef/kitchen staff and Ofsted. Task A 3 (ref 1.3) The three characteristics that define an effective working partnership is that it builds a report, enables effective communication and allows decisions and ideas to be valued from all agencies, for example parents, teachers etc. Task A 4 (ref 1.4) The three examples of potential barriers for effective partnership are poor communication, language barriers and out of date information. TASK B Task B 1 (ref 2.1) Two reasons for clear and effective information between partners is important because it helps with assessing children and young people’s needs and with observations. Task B 2 (ref 2.2) One policy for young children or young person’s work setting for sharing information is partnerships with parents, confidentiality, transitions and continuity of care (key person). For the procedure you consult your senior or even your manager when sharing information and record all information and actions which are relevant to current needs. Task B 3 (ref 2.3) One example of a conflict that may occur when sharing information with partners is that the parents might not agree with your advice that you give them on the development of their child. As they may find it offensive when you’re only trying to help. One example for a dilemma may be that you’re sharing information with a parent/carer or someone that you shouldn’t be sharing information with about a child. Task B 4 (ref 2.4) The legal requirement for recording information is under the Data Protection Act 1998. The key points are that the data is stored about a family or staff must not be shared without the person’s permission. Task B 5 (ref 2.5) The records are kept in filing cabinets which have a lock on and only certain members of staff have the key. Also some records may be kept on computer which are under a password, and again only certain people know the password. Task B 6 (ref 2.6) Speak to parents about the problem, speak to manager or SENCO. Be confidential about what you’re discussing. Also gather evidence and observe the child. Keep the parents informed and fill in a Common Assessment Framework (CAF). TASK C Task C 1 (ref 3.1) The reasons for working in partnership with parents/carers are -: So they are involved in their child’s learning progress. So their views and opinions are valued. Task C 2 (ref 3.2, 3.3) How to do this Difficult Circumstances Development of Partnership with Parents or Carers Showing that you value the parents/carers opinion will create the basis of a good relationship. To communicate well with parents/carers. Working parents do not communicate well. Sustaining Partnership with Parents or Carers Encouraging parents to talk with other parents, and to build another path of communication as well with the setting, Parents lead a chaotic lifestyle and have no interest in communicating with other parents and with the staff within the setting.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
How Is the Current Recession Acting Like
How is the Current Recession Acting like/unlike the Great Depression Nowadays, the economy of the world plunges into an awkward situation. The entire world meets a global economic crisis or recession, especially in the United States. After World War , this recession is the biggest recession for the America. Most of people express worried about this recession; absolutely they recall the memory about the Great Depression which was the most enormous economic crisis in the American history. They are anxious because it seems like the United States is going through another Great Depression or will go through another Great Depression. From the history, everyone knows how serious the result came out from the Great Depression; it baffled human beings’ development. No one wants to see another Great Depression happen again. However, there are sufficient reasons to support public people to worry about the Great Depression will happen again, because present recession and the Great Depression, both of them have some similar characteristics. Meanwhile, both of them have much unlike points also can prove the Great Depression will not happen again. In this paper, I will compare and contrast the current recession and the Great Depression, I will prove the current recession causes the effects will much less than the Great Depression, and the Great Depression will not replay. Back to 1929~1933, on October 29 1929, the â€Å"Black Tuesday†came to the United States. On this day, American financial world crashed, the stock’s price fell from top to bottom, fell 40 percentages from 383, also the Dow Jones stock index fell 22 percentages(Baidu, 2009). From this date to November 13th 1929, there was thirty billion disappeared in the market, this number equal to the total expenses of World War?. However, the crash of the stock market was just the beginning of a horrible economic crisis. Even through the Great Depression began at the collapse of the stock market; many experts still thought the influence from the collapse of the stock market was limited, because stock was just a little part of family’s property, it cannot affect Marginal Propensity to Consume(MPC) very much. However, the â€Å"Black Tuesday†was merely the beginning of the terrible issue, was just miniature of the Great Depression. The Great Depression caused a bunch of extremely serious social problem, for example, there were about 2 million to 4 million students had to drop their school. Even some people could not suffer the pain from mentality and physiology then suicide. The most significant problem was that 8. 3 million people lose their job; the unemployment rate reached such a high level which was 25%(Xu, 2009). Almost in every city, the poor people who were in line at the food bank as long as to several blocks. By the end of 1932, totally, there were about 2 million people roamed in the streets, there were no home for them. In September 1932, magazine Fortune estimated that 34 million people had no income; this population was 28% of the whole population of the United States. And at least 15 million people were looking for a job, but there was no job offer to them at that time (Baidu, 2009). Change the view to the economy. At the beginning year of the Great Depression, since the economy became weakness, it was hard for bank to get back of their loan, and the public people were anxious so that they went to the bank to withdraw their deposit. Therefore, at that time 50% was closed. The government took conservative measure, decreased the money supply so that more and more banks had to be closed. Consequently, 9000 banks had already closed and 130 thousands enterprises went to bankrupt. The total output of industry and nation income (NI) decreased 50%, the trade price of goods reduced one third and merchandise trade also cut two thirds (Techcn, 2009). In 1920s, the people’s confidence of the forward economy was expressed in the stock market. From 1921 to 1929, Dow Jones Indexes increased from 75 to 363, average growth rate (AVGR) was 21. 8% which was an incredible number (Su, 2009). Under this prosperous situation hided possibility which can cause the Great Depression. At the beginning of 1929, the stock market of United States of America was crazy, the price of stock raised times by times. As I mentioned before, rather than say black one day, I would like to say black week or black month. On October 24th 1929, the market of New York exchange suddenly got a crash, the speed of falling stock price too quick to catch up by the ticker. Even though some consortiums and the president came out to try to save the market, it did not work. On October 28th and 29th 1929, Dow Jones Indexes fell 38. 33, 13. 47% and on Tuesday fell 11. 73% (Black Tueday, 2002). During this short week, American people lose 10 billion dollars in stock exchange. Time went to the middle of November 1929, the stock’s price in New York Exchanges fell 40%, lose 26 billion dollars. Millions of public people lose their whole life’s money. During the Great Depression, the stock price of US steel fell from $262 to $22, and the stock price of GM fell from $73 to $8 (Techen, 2009). Gross domestic product (GDP) fell 25% during 1929-1933, and Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI) of 1933 decreased 24. 6% compared to 1929 (Hexun,2009). â€Å"In economics, a recession is a general slowdown in economic activity over a long period of time, or a business cycle contraction. During recessions, many macroeconomic indicators vary in a similar way. Production as measured by Gross Domestic Product (GDP), employment, investment spending, capacity utilization, household incomes, business profits and inflation all fall during recessions; bankruptcies and the unemployment rate rises. †(Wikipedia, 2009). This is the definition of the recession. Compared to the Great Depression, we can figure out some similarities. For example, GDP, employment, and investing spending fall in the current recession or the Great Depression. In current recession, GDP fall 2%, unemployment rate is 8. 1%, and Dow Jones Indexes decrease 52 % (Xu, 2009). From these data, we know that in current recession for the society, many people lose their jobs, also many enterprises go to bankrupt as well as some banks. For the stock market, the Dow Jones Indexes can tell us that the stock market do not in a nice situation. For the whole country, GDP fall so that American economy gets into recession. However, if we take a close look at these numbers, we can see these numbers are different from the Great Depression. As I mentioned, during the Great Depression, GDP fell 25%, unemployment rate was 25%, and Dow Jones Indexes fell 89%. These numbers in current depression are much smaller than the Great Depression; therefore, these numbers prove that the current recession effect will much less than the Great Depression. Reason of the current recession and the Great Depression is different. The current recession is caused by the subprime mortgage crisis. â€Å"The subprime mortgage crisis is an ongoing real estate crisis and financial crisis triggered by a dramatic rise in mortgage delinquencies and foreclosures in the United States, with major adverse consequences for banks and financial markets around the globe. The crisis, hich has its roots in the closing years of the 20th century, became apparent in 2007 and has exposed pervasive weaknesses in financial industry regulation and the global financial system†(Wikipedia, 2009). The subprime mortgage crisis happened because of moral hazard. From our textbook we understand that the risk that one party to a transaction takes actions that harm another party called moral hazard. About the reason of the Great Depression, it seems like the stock market’s crash lead to the terrible issue, but the real reason is the unbalanced or unhealthy development of the economy. The strategies from the government to deal with these two issues are different. During the Great Depression, the Federal Reserve did not get the right strategy to deal with the market less liquidity, on the other hand, the current U. S. government decrease the interest, create some new strategies to activate the market, also try their best to save the economy. Also, the current government takes out 700 billion dollars to save banks and insurance companies. Totally, government plan to use 787 billion dollars to stimulate the economy and increase 3. 5 million chances of employing (Xu, 2009). Consequently, the Great Depression will not replay. However, even we can predict the current recession’s effect will less than the Great Depression, we also need pay enough attention to the current recession. In fact, the entire world’s economy is not a good condition, what we need to do is not just the save the economy but also prevent the recession happen again and again.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Writing An Academic paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Writing An Academic paper - Essay Example Magill v Magill is a recent legal case. Therefore, my research efforts would be targeted towards websites where I could read the case and the judgments that were tendered, as well as articles in law reviews dealing with the implications of the case. I would also refer to text books that contain materials on the general subject matter of the case, in this case paternity and tort. In the case of a book debt, I would first read financial websites and articles to gain an understanding of the subject and then look into legal websites to find articles dealing with the subject matter and my notes drawn from these sources would form the basis for my arguments and conclusions. I would first of all research Magill v Magill(2006) on Google. This would provide me with an idea about the case itself. The link Magill_High_Court_Media_release_09NOV06.htm provides me information which lets me know that the case of Magill is an Australian case which deals with paternity fraud and the tort of deceit. The CCH website deals primarily with business law while the LBC website has materials primarily on housing law, therefore I would not look into these websites, where it is unlikely that information on torts could be found. However the Australian legal website is likely to be a good source for specific information about the Magill case, as also the Lexis Nexis and/or Westlaw websites. On the Lexis Nexis Academic website, I go to the Legal link. The search terms I enter are â€Å"Magill v Magill†while the sources I specify would be the International Law Reviews combined. However, this search also pulls up several articles on another Magill case which concern intellectual property. So I refine my search by entering Magill v Magill within quotes, and requiring that the word â€Å"tort†be found in the documents retrieved, in order
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Reflective Chapter Entry II Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Reflective Chapter Entry II - Essay Example An example is when someone hears something that someone else has said, or a sound from a certain device. Listening is giving attention to a sound or to someone when they are speaking. Critical listening is giving maximum attention to a sound or to a person when they are speaking. Critical listening involves taking notes, critical thinking as well as making critical judgments. An example is listening while keeping eye contact and not interfering. Emotions can be effectively expressed in nonverbal communication in various ways. I would personally consider using nonverbal communication to express my emotions. This involves, using polite body language and gestures. The first step would be to identify my emotion then share it and listening to the response. A relationship is developed through finding common interests and participating together. This also involves creating a friendly and welcoming environment. To maintain a relationship, frequent communication is very important. In a relationship decline, critical listening and expression of emotions is very crucial. For a relationship to be repaired emotions must be expressed and the concepts of eye contact and body language can be used to make it
W1 Asig Datawarehouse Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
W1 Asig Datawarehouse - Essay Example ch, in one’s corporate setting where IT is deemed a crucial source of information and response to inquiries needed by other departments, especially by the marketing department, the apparently slow response could be attributed to the sources of information that needs to be tapped before it could be disseminated to end users. The model below clearly depicts the flow of information from operational systems to end users: From the conceptual framework, it could be deduced that the operational systems undergo a series of processes on the information or data upon solicitation: extraction, integration, cleansing, and transformation. This information is then stored in the organization’s data warehouse to serve varied needs and demands of the users. The cause of delays in soliciting data from the external environment could be diverse: from frequent changes in factors affecting the external environment to the need to update currently available information. As emphasized, â€Å"reports generated in high data volume environments normally take a long time to run. To speed up report generation, many systems use tools that employ a summarization technique to reduce the amount of records by aggregating records together with common characteristics. Problem with this technique includes inherent inflexibility and inability to cope with the constantly changing information needs of manufacturing†(MAIA Intelligence, 2009, p. 4). Overall, the information gathered by the IT department needs to be processed and transformed in the most accurate manner before being transformed and stored to the organization’s data warehouse. As such, the delay should be understandable given the volume of information from the external environment that needs to be summarized and integrated according to the users’ needs. Concurrently, experts in BI has asserted that â€Å"business leaders want to obtain real metrics and near-real-time, linked directly to the business processes, system data and insights
Monday, August 26, 2019
Intellectual property College Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Intellectual property College - Essay Example Intellectual property ensures that the products are out into market from the original effort and curbs adulation. A property which is exclusive achievement of a particular company is guided by the intellectual property right according to the constitutional legal process existing in the country. Thus the intellectual property provides exclusive right to have freedom to work on the application or product and eliminates others to copy your effort. A resource or goods should be allowed to own and benefit from it, and the rights should describe whom should property rights be vested for those resources Second, what constraints should be covered in those rights consist of Intellectual Property: a term often used to refer generically to property rights created through intellectual and/or discovery efforts of a creator that are generally protectable under patent, trademark, copyright, trade secret, trade dress or other law Intellectual property rights is now used extensively as a business parameter due to competition, product differentiation and process flow gaining much importance in running a business entity. According to the nature of business operations and systems intellectual property rights have been classified to address a specific area of concern. Design: A right gives exclusive rights ... Copy rights related Copy right: A right which authenticates an individuals or an organisation work not to copied, reproduced, summarized or redistributed in any form without the concern of the initiator. Design: A right gives exclusive rights on the individuals or an organisation to proceed legally if any party copy sell or redesign the same features under other name, thus conferring rights to the first initiator. Patent: An exclusive recognisition for the utilities, design process flow thus not allowing others to copy sell or redistribute the original idea but others can quote the work for another application in any other form. Trademark: Are the distinguish features like symbols, design, words, caption or a sentence which is entitled to a single organisation. This confers that the products or service is from one brand. Reference: September.13.2006. "Glossary of Intellectual Property Terms". Available at this Website: Viewed on 12th September 2006 10PM IST Trade secret: A trade secret is an management tool that is kept in the internal walls of an organisation which is vital in the success of a feature, product or a process flow different from other business entities. Intellectual property has a greater significance in this period of globalization as it enables us to locate and protect every aspect which drives your revenues. An IP policy makes the organisation to stand ahead of others in competition and which are very unique and exclusive to your organisation. The advent of new technologies which can tap the essence of any new product or application of the process is an important aspect to observe as it gives opportunities to the competitors and the pirate professional to imitate and
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Danger from Terrorism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Danger from Terrorism - Essay Example Invoking national security, the government is supposed to have taken advantage of 9/11 and the generally negative perception of terrorism to invest some righteousness and enlist popular support for its anti-terrorist war that often run roughshod over individual human rights and civil liberties. Richard Posner of the Atlantic Monthly affirms that officials tend to exaggerate the dangers to national security. When surprised and hurt, we tend to overreact. "The greater the threat that an activity poses to national safety, the stronger will the grounds seem for seeking to repress that activity, even at some cost to liberty Legality must sometimes be sacrificed for other values (p. 2)." American history itself is replete with examples of such overreaction to security threats. There was Lincoln who faced the threat of secession by suspending the writ of habeas corpus. This triggered the Civil War. Officials in the modern era have learned their lessons from the past when their counterparts in the old days ignored the storm clouds in the horizon and paid dearly for it. The Japanese early posturing, for example, was glossed over and led to the Pearl Harbor disaster that triggered World War II.When Soviet missiles were installed in Cuba, the US shrugged its shoulder and regretted it when theit later grappled with the Cuban missile crisis. As for terrorism as it is known today, Posner notes that 9/11 indeed showed the US as 'in much greater jeopardy from international terrorism than was previously believed." However, the government must exercise some discretion and sensitivity in running after terrorists. There have been a good number of men who were labeled "terrorists" by the western media when they engaged in a struggle to liberate their countries, among them Nelson Mandela and Menachem Begin. Later, the same media called them "statesmen" when they assumed leadership of their liberated nations. Thus, "one man's terrorist may be another man's freedom fighter (Posner, 2001, ch. 2). Process of Terror Wikipedia says "Terrorism" comes from the French word terrorisme which is based on the Latin verb terrere (to frighten). It was first used by French officials to describe themselves as members of the Jacobin Club which ruled post-Revolution under a "Reign of Terror (1793-94)." The terrorist acts consisted mainly of illegal arrest and execution of dissidents as a means of coercing compliance. Before this, terrorist acts under different labels were carried out by the 1st century Zealots against the Roman occupiers of eastern Mediterranean, by the Islamic sect Hash-Ishiim (which became the root word for "assassin") against people who opposed their beliefs, and by the IRA precursor Irish Republican Brotherhood against the British to demand independence. (p.1) Terrorism in the modern sense is commonly described as an "immoral, wanton and unjustified political violence characterized as indiscriminate, targeting civilians and executing them with disregard for human life (Wikipedia, p. 2). On the other hand, those accused of such acts call themselves by other names, among them, freedom fighter, separatist, liberator, revolutionary, vigilante, militant, paramilitary, guerrilla, rebel, and in the Muslim world, jihadi and mujaheddin (engaged in a holy war) or fedayeen (prepared for martyrdom). For
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Business Proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Business Proposal - Essay Example (logo)+Next page-(Table of Contents) Cost summary-The cost of the project will be on a contractible basis that can be renewed every 6 months to ensure that we remain on our toes and meet your expectations. By offering you maximum cost affectivity we will save both time and money to ensure profitability and high visibility vis--vis the competition. Our fees collectible at the end of the six months will amount to Rs. 10,00,000 Lakhs Strengths-The proposed project will ensure smooth and consistent operations while offering Tesco a window to the unique culture of India. While the centralized studio offers all the expertise as well as sophisticated equipment; satellite studios will localize the sales pitch by catering to regional variations. By uploading design templates, the centralized studio will ensure packaging design excellence. Satellite studios will have easy access to the design templates by downloading them thus saving time and ensuring ease of operations. Satellite studios will adapt seasonal promotions to the local festivals like 'Pongal'in Tamilnadu, 'Diwali' in the north and 'Navratri' in the east- so that Tesco can tune profitably into the shopping season's of the country. To sum up this unique proposal will ensure the success of Tesco's retail project in a fast growing sector with endless opportunity for growth and expansion. The On-site design studio will eliminate needless delay and logistical problems while imposing quality control. Weaknesses-Tesco has failed to dominate the city center marketplace on home soil. Although it does have some prominent chain stores in cities, these are more an exception then the rule. In the location of Milton Keynes Sainsbury has the monopoly. This zeroes in on a significant weakness of Tesco's marketing
Friday, August 23, 2019
Read argument assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Read argument assignment - Essay Example For starters, we need to clarify that perception checking is a necessary skill that is required for the accurate analysis and objective estimation of a current situation. This is a method by which a person may be prevented from jumping to a conclusion based on a â€Å"perceived reality†with lack of information and observation backing it up. The role of this act is to prevent the effects of a wrong reaction or solution to the problem faced. Which is why as a communication tool, perception checking may be based upon the following principle: Originally, perception checking was not observed to be a universal tool, but it proved to be highly useful in avoiding communication conflicts and misconceptions without which we would be subjected to making the wrong conclusions all the time. However, there are times when the method is also improperly used. So as a rule of thumb, the following guidelines apply to the use of perception checking as a communication tool: first of all we demonstrate the respect for the experience and personality of every individual we communicate with, and build the relations based on honesty and mutual truth. We discourage ourselves from mind reading, and thus, avoid essential mistakes, which originate from it. As the perception tool is so powerful that is can invoke a sense of high confidence in a person, it is important to reiterate to the person being listened to that the listener cares for his or her point of view and respects it. Perception checking is a communication tool that encourages people to think over the existing circumstances of a situation and applying reason and logic to the currently seen outcome. Take the following case as an imaginary example: If it becomes dark in a room, people do not think that a nuclear carrying missile has just destroyed the power plant. People usually think there is a blown fuse which has left the whole house without power. However, the most likely reason for
Thursday, August 22, 2019
What Is American Federalism Essay Example for Free
What Is American Federalism Essay According to Dye (2011), nations are not truly federal unless both national and subnational governments exercise separate and autonomous authority, both elect their own officials, and both tax their own citizens for the provision of public services (p. 263). American Federalism is just that. In the United States each state has their own government with elected officials, to go even further each town within these states also have their own elected officials. These officials govern these areas the way they see fit, however they each fall under the national government. Dye (2011) goes on to say that federalism requires the powers of the national and subnational governments to be guaranteed by a constitution that cannot be changed without the consent of both national and subnational populations (p. 263), this also is apparent in the United States as well. The founding fathers brought forth this federalist way in order to prevent one entity from having too much power, which in turn would allow the elites to rule over those less privileged and in turn them never having a voice. W/C: 176 When should we use Military Force? A President has a hard decision when it comes to deciding whether or not to use military force. When sending the military into any combat area lives are placed immediately at risk, those soldiers are ready and willing to defend their country however the President must be able to explain why the military is needed and justify why we have suffered wounded and lost lives. (Dye, 2011, p. 289) When deciding whether or not to use military force the president must consider several things. Is the use of military force going to protect vital interests? Does the President have the support of the American people and those in Congress? Is this force in support of important political objectives and lastly is this force in support of the war on terrorism? The commitment of US military force should be a last resort, after political, economic, and diplomatic efforts have been proven ineffective (Dye, 2011, p. 289). W/C: 153 What went wrong in Iraq? According to Dye (2011), The war in Iraq was a preemptive strike against terrorism, consistent with the declarations of the Bush administration about the necessity of fighting terrorists on their own ground rather than on American soil (p. 297). One of the biggest things that went wrong in Iraq was the limited number of troops originally sent in. The reason behind this was due in part to the vision of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld to have a lean military force. (Dye, 2011, p. 97) Although the initial wave was able to take over and capture Baghdad, it was not enough to keep the are safe and free from insurgents. With the insurgents on the move the American military force was spread thin and they were not able to hold the cities they had once taken over. supply lines could not be defended and the insurgents quickly learned to plant IEDs-improvised explosive devices-along routes commonly used by the US troops. More casualties were inflicted by these devices than by any other means; the US did not have enough troops to guard supply routes (Dye, 2011, p. 99). Overall it seemed as though poor planning and lack of a vision from Donald Rumsfeld is what led to what went wrong in Iraq. W/C: 207 How do you fight Terrorism with Intelligence? In order to effectively and efficiently fight Terrorism with Intelligence is to have a strong Intelligence Community (IC) in place. According to Dye (2011), a proactive war on terrorism requires the collection, analysis, and dissemination of relevant foreign and domestic information to federal, state, and local government agencies, and to the American people (p. 13). It is up to the several components that make up the Intelligence Community to do just that, they must work together in order to form a cohesive unit and ensure that any information obtained is utilized in a way that will benefit the American people and US soil. In the world today the President relies on the Director of National Intelligence to coordinate and oversee all the functions within the IC, it is the DNI who reports directly to the president and is a member of the National Security Council, the presidents inner cabinet (Dye, 2011, p. 17). W/C: 151 What does it mean when we say the we are using American Troops for Nation Building? This statement comes along with the planning for postwar Iraq. One of the goals of the war was to uncover weapons of mass destruction, unfortunately these items were never found. During the planning phase for postwar Iraq the US had promised to help restore many things such as water, electricity and roads. Due to the US administrator for Iraq Paul Bremmer these things seemed to be out of reach as he began dismissing the entire Iraqi Army and pursued a policy of dismissing virtually all Iraqi managers and technicians (Dye, 2011, p. 299). Due to all of this the US had no choice to both recruit and train a new Army and police force that would serve Iraq, as well they were obliged to bring in contract workers, managers and technicians from the US to help restore all those things that were promised to the Iraqi people. Although the troops came in to fight a war in the end they were there it seemed to help rebuild the Nation.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Schindlers List vs Book Thief Essay Example for Free
Schindlers List vs Book Thief Essay The character Death, in Zusack’s The Book Thief says: â€Å"That’s the sort of thing I’ll never know- what humans are capable of. †Discuss the way this statement reflects one or more texts you have seen or read this year. Adaptation is the ability to adjust for existence under environmental conditions. Like how animals adapt in the wild, humans are also capable to be tolerant in difficult situations. We do not know our limit of cruelty or kindness. Although most people choose to be kind and sympathetic to others, there are also people who are cruel and cold-hearted. Mark Zusack states this idea in his book, The Book Thief from death’s point of view, â€Å"That’s the sort of thing I’ll never know, or comprehend- what humans are capable of. †Amon Goth’s cruelty to Jews in the movie, Schindler’s List is an example of human’s undeterminable mind. The morning when groups of Jews arrive to his work camp, Goth randomly starts shooting the Jews from his veranda. At first, the Jews thought they are now safe since they have survived the chaos in the city. Therefore, Goth shoots them to rise up the tension of the scene. His shots cause chaos at the camp and the view of the chaos from his veranda makes the Jews look more animal like and vulnerable. Later in the film, the Jews’ wedding scene, Schindler’s social party scene and Goth torturing Helen scene are shown by juxtaposition. This juxtaposition shows those three different scenes that create different moods in a short amount of time. This also shows Goth’s insanity. He asks questions to Helen however, he answers those questions by himself pretending Helen is the one who’s answering them. His sudden mood swings also hints about his odd mental condition. In the film Schindler’s List, the audiences are mesmerized by the protagonist, Oskar Schindler’s generosity. It uses juxtaposition between Schindler and Itzhak Stern’s thorough search of all the names to add to the list to save the Jews from the work camp and the images of those people to show the critical subclimax of the movie. Schindler’s break down at the end of the movie touches the audiences’ hearts. He keeps murmuring to Itzhak about his regrets. He thinks that if he knew that the war was about to end, e would have spent everything he has to save more Jews. He was touched when the Jews have him a gold ring as a gift for his devotions. When the Jews hand him the ring his hands were shaking and he was shocked. Most people would not risk their lives to safe others. However, Schindler’s selflessness is magnificent which has save thousands of Jews’ lives. Another example from this film is at the beginning when Narzi soldiers evacuate and execute the Jews in the city. These soldiers barge into the apartments destroy all the belonging in their paths. When they cannot control the situation, they start random shootings which killed hundreds of thousands of people. Not one of the soldiers hesitates before they put a bullet in the Jews’ heads. Although there were bloodsheds, we could not see the colour since almost the entire movie is shown in black and white. Otherwise, these bloodshed scenes would be even more horrible. The Nazi’s discrimination towards the Jews is also a very cruel act that most people are not capable of understanding the reason why they did it. The signs of discrimination are shown in the film. The Nazis let them run around naked during the medical checks. Although the doctors can easily determine the difference between the sick and the healthy Jews, they forced them to be examined naked in the camp. This is shown to portray how powerless and embarrassed the Jews would have felt at that time. The director shows this scene from many different angles to capture all the actions happening in the area. The tombstones of the Jews are used to build up roads which is also another way of dehumanizing the Jews. These tombstones are important for their family members but they have used it as a resource to walk on it which shows disrespect. It is also to make to look like the Jews are powerless and vulnerable. Another surprising thing that overwhelms people is the Jews’ capability to harsh violence by the Nazis. At the beginning of the movie, the Jews are sent off to the work camp by travelling in squashing trains and trucks. They had to work hard labour although this kind of work used to be unfamiliar for most people; some still manage to survive this hardship. Although they have to do harsh labours, the execution, and concentration camps they still do not lose hope. The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank wrote that, â€Å"Someday I will be able to taste freedom and some day we will all be free. †No matter how bad the situation is humans also hope for the best. I believe that this is something that only humans are most capable of. It is hope that let so many people conquer hardships and difficulties.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
The High Voltage Electricity Transmission Network Engineering Essay
The High Voltage Electricity Transmission Network Engineering Essay It is well known to many people that high voltage electricity transmission network represents the backbone of the whole regional power supply scheme in the country. The main purpose of this research is analyzing the most frequent common failures in the HV transmission lines and understanding the actual reasons behind these failures in the transmission network of a private electrical company in the Sultanate of Oman named OETC Oman Electricity Transmission Company. The business of that company is providing, developing and governing the Electrical Transmission System in the Sultanate of Oman. The data presented and information provided hereafter shall be considered extremely confidential and hence the assignment information is intended only for the use of this assignment and shall not be distributed to any other party without permission from the original source. In the start, the assignment firstly provides a brief explanation about the company and its role of electricity distribution. Then, it further analyzes different types of equipment failures that are encountered with HV network operation and reported by a local company. It sums up on general findings, results, conclusion and the recommendation regarding future maintenance. Electricity supply Oman Electricity Transmission Company OETC operates, organizes and maintains the majority HV transmission system in which electrical power is transmitted through 220kV and 132kV transmission lines to load centers in Muscat Governorate and the regions of Dakhliyah, Batinah, Dhahirah and Sharqiyah. It dispatches power from all Centrally Dispatched Generation Stations owned by the following companies: (1). 1. Ghubrah Power Desalination Station 2. Rusail Power Station 3. Wadi Jizzi Power Station 4. Manah Power Station 5. Al Kamil Power Station 6. Barka Power Desalination Station 7. Sohar Power Station The power transmitted by the company is delivered to the following distribution companies, which are licensed to distribute and supply power in a range lower than 132kV voltage (i.e. 66kV, 33kV,11kV and 0.415kV): 1. Muscat Electricity Distribution Company (MEDC) for Muscat area 2. Mazoon Electricity Company (MZEC) for South Batinah, Dakhliyah and Sharqiyah regions 3. Majan Electricity Company (MJEC) for North Batinah and Dhahirah regions Fundamentals of Power Generation and Transmission After the electricity leaves a power generation (1), the voltage is increased at a step-up grid substation (2). Subsequently, the energy travels along a transmission line to the area where the power is needed (3). Once there, the voltage is decreased, or stepped-down, at another primary substation (4), and a distribution power line (5) carries the electricity until it reaches a home or business (8). (1) Fig -1 Electrical Power System (1) Overhead Lines The main components of the HV high voltage power transmission are; the overhead towers, conductors, insulators, lightning arrestors, CVT CT and cable sealing ends. It has been well recognized since the starting of electric power generation that overhead transmission lines (OHL) have represented the most important component for the electric power transmission and distribution. The over head transmission line generally dedicated for high voltage range, while the buried type (underground cables) are commonly used in lower voltage range for the distribution purpose. However, in Oman, both systems are used in various applications depending on the cost, development conditions and topography constraints. OETC has planned, designed and erected overhead power lines for various voltage levels in many parts of the sultanate of Oman. Line voltage Selection According to IEC 60038 there are standard voltage ranges used for the electric power transmission and distribution. The following are the main voltage levels For 3-phase AC power supply: -Low voltage range from 220v up to 1 kV AC Medium voltage range from 1 kV to 36 kV AC High voltage range from 52 kV to 765 kV AC) and higher Generally the Low-voltage transmission and distribution networks serve households and other small business consumers. Networks on the medium-voltage level usually supply larger buildings and settlements, industrial plants and other large consumers; the power supply capacity is typically less than 10 MVA per circuit. The high voltage ranges up to 145 kV are usually used for sub-transmission of the electric power regionally, and also feed the medium-voltage electric network. This level is frequently selected to support the medium-voltage level even when electric power is lower than 10 MVA. Moreover, some of high-voltage transmission lines are also used to transmit the electric power from medium size power plants, like hydro power plants on water streams, channel or rivers, and provide electric power for large-scale units, such as considerable power plants or steel factories. The bandwidth of electrical transported power corresponds to the broad range of utilization, but it rarely exceeds 100 MVA per circuit, while the surge impedance load is 35 MVA (approximately). In most European countries, the high voltage lines of 245 kV were greatly used in interconnection of power supply systems and this before the 420 kV level was brought to this purpose. Nowadays, the usage of 245 kV lines is decreased to some extent due to the availability of the 420 kV transmission network. The 420 kV level represents the highest operation voltage used for AC transmission in Central Europe. It typically interconnects the power supply systems and transmits the energy over long distances. Some 420 kV lines connect the national grids of the individual European countries enabling interconnected network operation (UCTE = Union for the Co-ordination of Transmission of Electricity) throughout Europe. Large power plants such as nuclear stations feed directly into the 420 kV network. The thermal capacity of the 420 kV circuits may reach 2,000 MVA, with a surge impedance load of approximately 600 MVA and a transmission capacity up to 1,200 MVA.[SIEMENS Power Engineering Guide 2 009]11 Selection of conductors and earth wires Electric conductors are the main important part in the overhead power line network and they must be selected carefully for the electric transmission lines because this will ensure economical and reliable transmission and contribute directly to the total line costs. Therefore, to achieve better economic solution, aluminum and its alloys have been used as conducting materials for power lines due to the favorable price, the low weight and the necessity of certain minimum cross-sections. On the other side, aluminum is a very corrosive metal. But when a dense oxide layer is formed it can stop further corrosion. Therefore, up to a certain level, aluminum conductors are well-suited for areas in which corrosion is an issue, such as humid climate in areas located near coastal zone. Generally, there are a number of different designs in use for aluminum conductors. As an advantage, All-aluminum conductors (AAC) have the highest conductivity for a given cross-section; however, they possess relat ively low mechanical strength, which limits their installation to short spans and low tensile forces. To increase the mechanical strength, aluminum wires are made of mixing with other alloys like aluminum-magnesium-silicon alloys. In this way, the strength can be increased approximately twice that of pure aluminum. But practically, all-aluminum and aluminum alloy conductors have exhibited some susceptibility to vibrations. To solve this problem, compound conductors with a steel core, so-called aluminum conductor, steel-reinforced (ACSR), can avoid this disadvantage. The ratio between aluminum and steel ranges from 4.3:1 to 11:1. An aluminum-to-steel ratio of 6.0 or 7.7 provides an economical solution. Conductors with a ratio of 4.3 should be used for lines installed in regions with heavy wind and ice loads. Conductors with a ratio higher than 7.7 provide higher conductivity. But because of lower conductor strength, the sags are bigger, which requires higher towers. Experience has shown that ACSR conductors, just like aluminum and aluminum alloy conductors, provide the most economical solution and offer a life span greater than 40 years. Conductors are selected according to electrical, thermal, mechanical and economic aspects. The electric resistance as a result of the conducting material and its cross-section is the most important feature affecting the voltage drop and the energy losses along the line and, therefore, the transmission costs. The cross-section has to be selected so that the permissible temperatures will not be exceeded during normal operation as well as under short-circuit condition. With increasing cross-section, the line costs increase, while the costs for losses decrease. Depending on the length of the line and the power to be transmitted, a cross-section can be determined that results in the lowest transmission costs. The heat balance of ohmic losses and solar radiation against convection and radiation determines the conductor temperature. A current density of 0.5 to 1.0 A/mm2 based on the aluminum cross-section has proven to be an economical solution in most cases. [SIEMENS Power Engineering Guide 2009] (9) The table below shows the characteristics of AC overhead lines (data refer to a one circuit of a double-circuit line) Table -1 characteristic of AC overhead lines (9) High-voltage results in correspondingly high-voltage gradients at the conductors surface, and in corona-related effects such as visible discharges, radio interference, audible noise and energy losses. When selecting the conductors, the AC voltage gradient has to be limited to values between 15 and 17 kV/cm. Since the sound of the audible noise of DC lines is mainly caused at the positive pole and this sound differs from those of AC lines, the subjective feeling differs as well. Therefore, the maximum surface voltage gradient of DC lines is higher than the gradient for AC lines. A maximum value of 25 kV/cm is recommended. The line voltage and the conductor diameter are one of the main factors that infl uence the surface voltage gradient. In order to keep this gradient below the limit value, the conductor can be divided into subconductors. This results in an equivalent conductor diameter that is bigger than the diameter of a single conductor with the same cross-section. This aspect is important for lines with voltages of 245 kV and above. Therefore, so-called bundle conductors are mainly adopted for extra-high-voltage lines. Table 2.5-2 shows typical conductor configurations for AC lines. From a mechanical point of view, the conductors have to be designed for everyday conditions and for maximum loa ds exerted on the conductor by wind and ice. As a rough figure, an everyday stress of approximately 20 % of the conductor rated tensile stress can be adopted, resulting in a limited risk of conductor damage. The maximum working tensile stress should be limited to approximately 40 % of the rated tensile stress. Earth wires, also called shield wire or earth wire, can protect a line against direct lightning strikes and improve system behavior in the event of short-circuits; therefore, lines with single-phase voltages of 110 kV and above are usually equipped with earth wires. Earth wires made of ACSR conductors with a sufficiently high aluminum cross-section satisfy both requirements. Since the beginning of the 1990s, more and more earth wires for extra-high-voltage overhead power lines have been executed as optical earth wires (OPGW). This type of earth wire combines the functions just described for the typical earth wire with the additional facility for large data transfer capacity vi a optical fi bers that are integrated into the OPGW. Such data transfer is essential for the communication between two converter stations within an HVDC interconnection or for remote controlling of power stations. The OPGW in such a case becomes the major communication link within the interconnection. OPGW are mainly designed in one or more layers of aluminum alloy and/or aluminum-clad steel wires. One-layer designs are used in areas with low keraunic levels (small amount of possible lightning strikes per year) and small short-circuit levels. [SIEMENS Power Engineering Guide 2009](9) Selection of insulators Usually, insulators in the overhead line are subject to electrical and mechanical stresses, because they have to isolate the conductors form potential to earth and must provide physical supports. Therefore, Insulators must be capable of withstanding these stresses under all conditions encountered in a transmission line. Normally, the electrical stresses result from: The steady-state operating power-frequency voltage (highest operation voltage of the system) Temporary over voltages occurred at specific power frequency Switching and lightning over voltages Chapter -2 Introduction Electrical insulators are very critical and important component in the electric power systems such as distribution transmission lines. Previously, the electrical insulators which is made of ceramic and glass materials. But in 1963, a polymeric insulator were developed and its improvements in design and manufacturing in the modern years have made it attractive to utilities. polymeric insulator consists of a fibreglass core rod covered by weather-sheds or skirts of polymer such as silicone rubber, equipped with metal end fittings. It is also called composite insulators, which means made of at least two insulating parts a core and housing equipped with end fittings. Polymeric insulators have many advantages over the ceramic and glass insulators such as good performance in contaminated environment, light weight, easy handling, maintenance free, and considerably low cost etc. Because of these properties it is gaining popularity worldwide and replacing the conventional ceramic and glass insulators in many countries. Therefore, our research shall focus the light on the silicon rubber insulator and the main advantages can be achieved by using such type of electrical insulators. The following is a comparison showing the different factors between ceramic and composite insulators. FACTORS CERAMIC COMPOSITE Resistance to flashovers in Polluted atmosphere. Low High Resistance to puncture Puncturable (Class: B insulators) Not puncturable Resistance to Cracking and Erosion in Polluted atmosphere. Low High Contamination Pollution Highly affected Performance not affected Hydrophobicity Non hydrophobic. Unique Hydrophobicity character. Self cleaning property Due to Glaze and inclination of sheds. Due to Hydrophobicity recovery characteristic. Maintenance Needs maintenance like cleaning, washing, greasing. No maintenance is required Weight More 10% to 35% of Ceramic Insulator Resistance to breakage and Vandalism Breakable in Vandalism prone areas Unbreakable Artificial Pollution Test Mandatory Not applicable Power Arc Test Mandatory Not mandatory Table -1 comparison different factors between ceramic and composite insulators (10). Insulator types There are various insulator designs used in different applications, depending on the requirements and the application with certain insulator types: Cap-and-pin insulators (fig.2) are made of porcelain or pre-stressed glass. The individual units are connected by fittings of malleable cast iron or forged iron. The insulating bodies are not puncture-proof, which is the reason for a relatively high number of insulator failures. In Central Europe, long-rod insulators made from aluminous porcelain (fig.3) are most frequently adopted. These insulators are puncture-proof. Failures under operation are extremely rare. Long-rod insulators show superior behavior, especially in polluted areas. Because porcelain is a brittle material, porcelain long-rod insulators should be protected from bending loads by suitable fittings. Composite insulators are the third major type of insulator for overhead power line applications (fig.4). This insulator type provides superior performance and reliability, particularly because of improvements over the last 20 years, and has been in service for more than 30 years. Fig -2 Cap and pin (disc insulator) (9) Fig -3 Long-rod insulator with clevis cap (9) Fig -4 Glass fibre reinforced composite insulator with ball and socket fittings (Lapp insulator) (9) The composite insulator is made of a glass fiber reinforced epoxy rod. The glass fibers applied are ECR glass fibers that are resistant to brittle fracture (ECR = electrical grade corrosion resistant glass fibers). In order to avoid brittle fracture, the glass fiber rod must additionally be sealed very carefully and durably against moisture. This is done by application of silicone rubber. Nowadays, high temperature vulcanized (HTV) silicone is used. The silicone rubber has two functions within this insulator type: Sealing the glass fiber rod Molding into insulator sheds to establish the required insulation Metal fittings are compressed onto the glass fiber rod at both ends of the insulator, either with a ball socket or clevis connection fitting. Since the 1980s, compression fittings have been the prevailing type. The sealing of the area between fitting and silicone housing protecting the rod is most important, and is nowadays done with special silicone elastomer, which offers after vulcanization the characteristic of a sticky solid, similar to a fluid of high viscosity. Advantages of the composite long-rod insulator are: Light weight, less volume and less damages Shorter string length compared to cap-and-pin and porcelain long-rod insulator strings Up to 765 kV AC and 600 kV DC, only one unit of insulator (practical length is only limited by the ability of the production line) is required High mechanical strength Vandalism resistance High performance in polluted areas, based on the hydrophobicity (water repellency) of the silicone rubber Advantages of hydrophobicity are: Silicone rubber offers outstanding hydrophobicity over the long term; most other polymeric housing material will loose this property over time Silicone rubber is able to recover its hydrophobicity after a temporary loss of it The silicone rubber insulator is able to make pollution layers on its surface water-repellent, too (hydrophobicity transfer) Low surface conductivity, even with a polluted surface and very low leakage currents, even under wetted conditions. Insulator string sets Suspension insulator sets carry the conductor weight, including additional loads such as ice and wind, and are arranged more or less vertically. There are I-shaped (fig.5a) and V-shaped sets in use. Tension insulator sets (fig.5b, fig.5c) terminate the conductors and are arranged in the direction of the conductors. They are loaded by the conductor tensile force and have to be rated accordingly. Multiple single, double, triple or more sets handle the mechanical loadings and the design requirements. Fig -5a; I-shaped suspension insulator set for 245 kV (11) T Fig -5b&c; Double tension insulator set for 245 kV (Elevation, Top Plan, bottom) (9) The general electrical layout of insulation is ruled by the voltages to be withstood and the pollution to which the insulation is subjected. The standards IEC 60071-1 and IEC 60071-2 as well as the technical report IEC 60815, which provides four pollution classes, give guidance for the design of the insulation. Because IEC 60815 is applicable to AC lines, it should be noted that the creepage distances recommended are based on the phase-to-phase AC voltage (UL-L). When transferring these creepage distances recommended by IEC 60815 to a DC line, it should be noted that the DC voltage is a pole-to-earth value (UL-E). Therefore, these creepage distances have to be multiplied by the factor à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡3. Furthermore, it should be noted that the AC voltage value refers to a mean value, while the DC voltage is comparable to a peak value, which requires a further multiplication with factor à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡2. Insulators under DC voltage operation are subjected to more unfavorable conditions tha n they are under AC, due to a higher collection of surface contamination caused by the constant unidirectional electric field. Therefore, a DC pollution factor has to be applied. Table shown with figure 5a shows specific creepage distances for different insulator materials under AC and DC application, and is based on industry experience published by power supply companies in South Africa and China. The results shown were confirmed by an experienced insulator manufacturer in Germany. The correction factors shown are valid for porcelain insulators only. When taking composite insulators into consideration, an additional reduction factor of 0.75 can be applied. The values for a DC system must be seen as a guideline only, that must be verified on a case-by-case basis for new HVDC projects. To handle switching and lightning overvoltages, the insulator sets have to be designed with respect to insulation coordination according to IEC 60071-1 and IEC 60071-2. These design aspects determine the gap between the earthed fi ttings and the live part. However, for HVDC application, switching impulse levels are of minor important because circuit-breaker operations from AC lines do not occur on DC back-to-back lines. Such lines are controlled via their valve control systems. In order to coordinate the insulation in a proper way, it is recommended to apply and use the same SIL and BIL as is used for the equivalent AC insulation (determined by the arcing distance). [SIEMENS Power Engineering Guide 2009](9) Selection and design of supports Together with the line voltage, the number of circuits (AC) or poles (DC) and type of conductors, the configuration of the circuits poles determines the design of overhead power lines. Additionally, lightning protection by earth wires, the terrain and the available space at the tower sites have to be considered. In densely populated areas like Central Europe, the width of right-of-way and the space for the tower sites are limited. In the case of extra-high-voltages, the conductor configuration affects the electrical characteristics, the electrical and magnetic field and the transmission capacity of the line. Very often there are contradicting requirements, such as a tower height as low as possible and a narrow right-of-way, which can only be met by compromises. The minimum clearance of the conductors depends on the voltage and the conductor sag. In ice-prone areas, conductors should not be arranged vertically, in order to avoid conductor clashing after ice shedding. For low-voltage and medium-voltage lines, horizontal conductor configurations prevail; these configurations feature line post insulators as well as suspension insulators. Poles made of wood, concrete or steel are preferred. Fig.6 shows some typical line configurations. Earth wires are omitted at this voltage level. For high-voltage and extra-high-voltage power lines, a large variety of configurations are available that depend on the number of circuits (AC) or poles (DC) and on local conditions. Due to the very limited right-of-way, more or less all high voltage AC lines in Central Europe comprise at least two circuits. Fig.7 shows a series of typical tower configurations. Arrangement e is called the Danube configuration and is often adopted. It represents a fair compromise with respect to width of right-of-way, tower height and line costs. For AC lines comprising more than two circuits, there are many possibilities for configuring the supports. In the case of circuits with differing voltages, those circuits with the lower voltage should be arranged in the lowermost position (fig7g). DC lines are mechanically designed according to the normal practice for typical AC lines. The differences from AC Line layout are the: Conductor configuration Electric field requirements Insulation design For DC lines, two basic outlines (monopole and bipole), with variations should be considered. Fig.7i-l show examples for HVDC line configurations that are valid for all voltage levels. The arrangements of insulators depend on the application of a support within the line. Suspension towers support the conductors in straight-line sections and at small angles. This tower type offers the lowest costs; special attention should therefore be paid to using this tower type as often as possible. Angle towers have to carry the conductor tensile forces at angle points of the line. The tension insulator sets permanently transfer high forces from the conductors to the supports. Finally, dead-end towers are used at the terminations of a transmission line. They carry the total conductor tensile forces on the line side (even under unbalanced load condition, e.g., when conductors of one tower side are broken) and a reduced tension into the substations (slack span). Fig.6 Configuration of Medium voltage supports Various loading conditions specified in the respective national and international standards have to be met when designing towers. The climatic conditions, the earthquake requirements and other local environmental factors are the next determining factors for the tower design. When designing the support, a number of conditions have to be considered. High wind and ice loads cause the maximum forces to act on suspension towers. In ice-prone areas, unbalanced conductor tensile forces can result in torsional loading. Additionally, special loading conditions are adopted for the purpose of failure containment, that is, to limit the extent of damage. Finally, provisions have to be made for construction and maintenance. Depending on voltage level and the acting forces of the overhead line, differing designs and materials are adopted. Poles made of wood, concrete or steel are very often used for low voltage and medium-voltage lines. Towers with lattice steel design, however, prevail at voltage levels of 110 kV and above (fig.7). Guyed lattice steel structures are used in some parts of the world for high-voltage AC and DC lines. Such design requires a relatively fl at topography and a secure environment where there is no threat from vandalism and theft. Guyed lattice steel structures offer a substantial amount of cost savings with respect to tower weight and foundation quantities. However, a wider right-of-way has to be considered. Foundations for the supports Usually, overhead power line supports are installed on concrete foundations. The foundations have to sustain the overall weight of the tower and should be designed in accordance with the local or international standard applicable for the particular projct. Fig. 7;(a-h) Tower configurations for AC high-voltage lines. (i-l) Tower configurations for DC high-voltage lines The selection of foundation types and the design is decided by the: Total weight resulting from tower Location and Soil conditions Accessibility to the line route Availability of machinery Constraints of the particular country and the site Concrete blocks or concrete piers are in use for poles that exert bending moments on the foundation. For towers with four legs, a foundation is provided for each individual leg. Pad and chimney and concrete block foundations require good bearing soil conditions without groundwater. Driven or augured piles and piers are adopted for low-bearing soil, for sites with bearing soil at a greater depth and for high groundwater level. In case of groundwater, the soil conditions must permit pile driving. Concrete slabs can be used for good bearing soil, when subsoil and groundwater level prohibit pad and chimney foundations as well as piles. Fig. 8; Foundations for four-legged towers Route selection and tower spotting Selection of route and planning represent increasingly difficult tasks, because the right-of-way for transmission lines is limited and many aspects and interests have to be considered. Route selection and approval depend on the statutory conditions and procedures prevailing in the country of the project. Route selection nowadays involves preliminary desktop studies with a variety of route alternatives, environmental impact studies, community communication hearings and acceptance approval from the local authorities. [SIEMENS Power Engineering Guide 2009](9) Literature Survey The books and journals referred are detailed in references. The methodology has been decided after studying different literatures. The societal loss calculation have been taken from the paper Power Chain Managementà ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢ Audit Service Focus Professional Engineering Services/ The effective of electrical systems is critical to the success of businesses and facilities. The electrical problems facing businesses today can often seem overwhelming, especially knowing that key elements of electrical systems are susceptible to failure. It can be costly and difficult to design a system that predicts failure and minimizes risks of dangerous hazards such as arc flash and from the graph which shows how does it cost in the time of losing the power supply. Fig -2 cost raven (2) To approximate cost of transmission losses. The loss calculations are based on an peak load current for a line.(7) EC (Energy Cost) = 3 x R x I 2 x 8760 x LF x AIC x LIF, and DC (Demand Cost) = 3 x R x I 2 x IDC x LIF Where EC = energy cost, $ / yr DC = demand cost, $ / yr R = conductor resistance (ohms/phase/mile) X line length (miles) I = peak load current on the line (amperes) 8760 = hours / year LF = loss factor (average loss / peak loss) AIC = average incremental energy cost for the year ($ / kWh) LIF = loss increase factor (1 + PU system losses reflecting increase) IDC = incremental demand cost ($ / kW-yr) Diffident maintenance strategies considered are : Run to failure condition based monitoring on line monitoring Hot line maintenance The cost relationship between materials based solely on purchase prices, the life cycle economics at all the factors and gives consideration to the time value of money based on a present value analysis. The approach of using present value, life cycle costs is often considered the fairest means of comparison because it considers and properly weighs all the material variables. This life cycle cost study gives consideration to the following:(6) Environmental conditions Material costs and availability Construction costs Projected service life Inspection costs / Inspection frequency Maintenance costs / Maintenance frequency For the purpose of present value calculations, a 4% inflation rate and a 10% discount rate are assumed. The equation used for computing the present value (PV) of a single expend
Holograms :: essays research papers
Toss a pebble in a pond -see the ripples? Now drop two pebbles close together. Look at what happens when the two sets of waves combine -you get a new wave! When a crest and a trough meet, they cancel out and the water goes flat. When two crests meet, they produce one, bigger crest. When two troughs collide, they make a single, deeper trough. Believe it or not, you've just found a key to understanding how a hologram works. But what do waves in a pond have to do with those amazing three- dimensional pictures? How do waves make a hologram look like the real thing? It all starts with light. Without it, you can't see. And much like the ripples in a pond, light travels in waves. When you look at, say, an apple, what you really see are the waves of light reflected from it. Your two eyes each see a slightly different view of the apple. These different views tell you about the apple's depth -its form and where it sits in relation to other objects. Your brain processes this information so that you see the apple, and the rest of the world, in 3-D. You can look around objects, too -if the apple is blocking the view of an orange behind it, you can just move your head to one side. The apple seems to "move" out of the way so you can see the orange or even the back of the apple. If that seems a bit obvious, just try looking behind something in a regular photograph! You can't, because the photograph can't reproduce the infinitely complicated waves of light reflected by objects; the lens of a camera can only focus those waves into a flat, 2-D image. But a hologram can capture a 3-D image so lifelike that you can look around the image of the apple to an orange in the background -and it's all thanks to the special kind of light waves produced by a laser. "Normal" white light from the sun or a lightbulb is a combination of every colour of light in the spectrum -a mush of different waves that's useless for holograms. But a laser shines light in a thin, intense beam that's just one colour. That means laser light waves are uniform and in step. When two laser beams intersect, like two sets of ripples meeting in a pond, they produce a single new wave pattern: the hologram. Here's how it happens: Light coming from a laser is split into two beams, called the object beam and the reference beam. Spread by lenses and bounced off a mirror, the object beam hits the apple. Holograms :: essays research papers Toss a pebble in a pond -see the ripples? Now drop two pebbles close together. Look at what happens when the two sets of waves combine -you get a new wave! When a crest and a trough meet, they cancel out and the water goes flat. When two crests meet, they produce one, bigger crest. When two troughs collide, they make a single, deeper trough. Believe it or not, you've just found a key to understanding how a hologram works. But what do waves in a pond have to do with those amazing three- dimensional pictures? How do waves make a hologram look like the real thing? It all starts with light. Without it, you can't see. And much like the ripples in a pond, light travels in waves. When you look at, say, an apple, what you really see are the waves of light reflected from it. Your two eyes each see a slightly different view of the apple. These different views tell you about the apple's depth -its form and where it sits in relation to other objects. Your brain processes this information so that you see the apple, and the rest of the world, in 3-D. You can look around objects, too -if the apple is blocking the view of an orange behind it, you can just move your head to one side. The apple seems to "move" out of the way so you can see the orange or even the back of the apple. If that seems a bit obvious, just try looking behind something in a regular photograph! You can't, because the photograph can't reproduce the infinitely complicated waves of light reflected by objects; the lens of a camera can only focus those waves into a flat, 2-D image. But a hologram can capture a 3-D image so lifelike that you can look around the image of the apple to an orange in the background -and it's all thanks to the special kind of light waves produced by a laser. "Normal" white light from the sun or a lightbulb is a combination of every colour of light in the spectrum -a mush of different waves that's useless for holograms. But a laser shines light in a thin, intense beam that's just one colour. That means laser light waves are uniform and in step. When two laser beams intersect, like two sets of ripples meeting in a pond, they produce a single new wave pattern: the hologram. Here's how it happens: Light coming from a laser is split into two beams, called the object beam and the reference beam. Spread by lenses and bounced off a mirror, the object beam hits the apple.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Herman Melville: A Biography And Analysis Essays -- essays research pa
Herman Melville: A Biography And Analysis      Throughout American history, very few authors have earned the right to be called â€Å"great.†Herman Melville is one of these few. His novels and poems have been enjoyed world wide for over a century, and he has earned his reputation as one of the finest American writers of all time. A man of towering talent, with intellectual and artistic brilliance, and a mind of deep insight into human motives and behavior, it is certainly a disgrace that his true greatness was not recognized until nearly a generation after his death.      Born in the city of New York on August 1, 1819, Melville was the third child and second son of Allan Melvill(it wasn't until Allan's death in 1832 that the â€Å"e†at the end of Melville was added, in order to make a more obvious connection with the Scottish Melville clan), a wholesale merchant and importer then living in comfortable economic circumstances, and of Maria Gansevoort Melvill, only daughter of â€Å"the richest man in Albany,†the respected and wealthy General Peter Gansevoort, hero of the defense of Fort Stanwix during the American Revolution. In total, Allan and Maria had eight children. On his father' s side, his ancestry, though not so prosperous as on his mother's, was equally distinguished. Major Thomas Melvill, his grandfather, was one of the â€Å"Indians†in the Boston Tea Party during the events leading to the war and who had then served his country creditably throughout the hostilities. The Melvill family kept on their mantelpiece a bottle of tea drained out of Major Melvill's clothes after the Tea Party as a momento of this occasion.      Herman attended the New York Male High School from about the age of seven until 1830. By that time, Allan Melvill's business had begun to fail, due to his credit being overextended. After futile attempts to re-establish himself, he eventually found it necessary to accept the management of a New York fur company back in Albany. The family moved there in the autumn of 1830, and during that time Herman attended, along with his brothers Gansevoort and Allan, the Albany Academy. Just as luck seemed to again be favoring the Melvills, Allan's business affairs again suffered a setback. Excessive worry and overwork finally took their toll upon his health. By January, 1832, he was b... left behind in a tin box after his death. It was here Billy Bud was first discovered and later published, which introduced a whole new generation to Melville's work. Soon critics, students, and the general public were reading his novels and stories, and greeting some of them as masterpieces. In 1927, American novelist William Faulkner declared that Moby Dick was the book he most wished he had written.      Knowing the quality of his work, one can not help but feel sympathetic to Melville's passing. He died on September 28, 1891 in his home in New York City, still unknown by the general public. If any writer deserved to be recognized and praised during their lives, Melville is that writer. Although unfortunate that his passing went almost unnoticed by the public, he is now and justly so, an immortal in the annals of American literature, and his work will be looked upon with both admiration and envy for many years to come. APPENDICES Any appendices should appear after the text of your term paper. BIBLIOGRAPHY Use the Bibliography TaskWizard to help you quickly and easily create a bibliography for your paper. Pick the same style as your footnote style.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
The Life And Times Of James Joyce :: essays research papers
Life and Times of James Joyce James Joyce was an Irish novelist and poet, whose psychological views opened up a whole New World to twentieth century writers. He is still known as one of the most influential writers not only in Ireland, but all throughout Ireland. Joyce was born in Dublin on February 2, 1882, into the care of his mother and father, both poverty-stricken. He attended only Jesuit-run schools, first the boarding school, Clongowes, then the day school, Belvedere, and finally the Royal University, which was better known as the University College (Litz 8). While he attended Belvedere he enjoyed writing essays, and won several awards for his phenomenal test scores. Even as a young man, Joyce was destined to be well known and famous for the rest of his life. But by the end of his university years he had rejected Catholicism in favor of literature (Litz 8). His love for writing just had to come first before anything else. After his years in the university he began experimenting with prostitutes and alcohol, and spent large amounts of money, which he claimed was to study medicine, but instead wasted it on sick pleasures in Paris. He returned shortly from Paris when his mother was diagnosed with cancer. (Litz 15). After his mother died, family life became even tougher for Joyce, he began to drink heavily. He made a little money reviewing books, teaching school, and singing. Â Â Â Â Â In February of 1904 he started writing a long fiction autobiography called Stephen Hero, which he could never find the time to finish or even begin again (Litz 8). In June 1904 he met Nora Barnacle, a chambermaid whose down-to-earth attitude welcomed him more so than any of the girls he met at the university did. They ran off to Europe together in October 1904. James and Nora ended up in Trieste and Pola, Austria, where they spoke Italian, and were desperately poor, so poverty-stricken that his brother, brother Stanislaus ended up paying a lot of their bills (Litz 8). Â Â Â Â Â In 1909 and 1912, James visited Ireland, first trying to arrange publication of Dubliners. Between 1914 and 1920, Joyce's fortunes gradually improved as his writing gained attention and the wealthier readers began to turn their heads in his direction. But his big break which is an irony is when the banning of Ulysses (published 1922) occurred, and turned Joyce into a household name (Chace 25).
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Working in Groups
Aryanna Cabrera Working in Groups Thesis Statement: Working in groups has many downsides and few upsides for its participants. I. Body 1: A. Positive side to group work is limited. B. Less work to do, more people. C. More ideas than just one person. II. Body 2: A. Negative side to group work is more abundant than the positives. B. Different opinions lead to disagreements. C. Not everyone does his or her job. III. Body 3: A. Evaluation is unfair most of the time.B. Individual contributions are not reflected in the grade. C. If someone is not doing his or her job, report it to the teacher. When working in groups, students are usually evaluated on others work. If they did a good job then everything is fine, but if they did a bad job, it could potentially hurt the evaluation process. Working in groups has many downsides and few upsides for its participants. Positive things about working in groups are very limited.One of the positive things about group work is that work can be divided amo ng several people, which can help the job get done faster than if it was all done by one person; like John Heywood said: â€Å"Many hands make light work. †Another good thing is that a group of people brainstorming together will come up with more ideas and solutions than a single person working alone. Vincent Lombardi, an NFL coach, once said that â€Å"Individual commitment to a group effort – that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work. Everyone must do his or her part in order to be successful and get a good evaluation. This does not always happen. On the contrary, group work has too many downsides. One negative thing about working in groups is that when you have many different ideas and opinions, disagreements are bound to arise, which can stall the project. Some other negatives about group work are that if one person doesn't complete their task, the whole project will suffer; the bigger the group, the more difficult it is to schedule times when everyone can get together.Most times, there is always one person that says they do not know how to do anything; another, that always does all the work and then is going insane, and one that does not do anything until the last minute. â€Å"There are two kinds of people, those who do the work and those who take the credit. †This quote by Indira Gandhi is right on point. Every group always has these kinds of people and that should be taken into consideration by the professor when evaluating. The evaluation process for group works is usually very unfair because it is not individual.It would be considered unfair because individual contributions are probably not reflected in the grades, weaker ones students disadvantage stronger students, and it may be perceived as unfair by students. Daphne Patai, a university professor, once said: â€Å"The professor needs to investigate and learn how the group in fact functioned and who did what. I believe this way the professor makes sure that the grading process is fair for everyone. †Working in groups is supposed to be fun.It should teach the participants how to communicate, how to be responsible, how to collaborate with others, and how to do teamwork. Instead, it makes you want to never want to work in a group again, not trust anyone in the group, and always double check everyone’s work just in case there could be anything wrong. Cathy Middlecamp said: â€Å"When you put students into groups, many of the hard working students do all of the work and the lazy students do nothing and still receive the same grade. This is not fair to those who worked hard, or to those who sat in the corner and talked the entire time. Because of all of the arguments presented above, I believe that working in groups is not wise unless the professor gives individual grades; even then, I do not like working in groups. Works Cited â€Å"Grading Group Projects. †WMST-L. Web. 10 Jan. 2013. http://u serpages. umbc. edu/~korenman/wmst/group_grading. html â€Å"Grading Methods for Group Work. †Enhancing Education. Web. 10 Jan. 2013. http://www. cmu. edu/teaching/assessment/howto/assesslearning/groupWorkGradingMethods. html â€Å"Indira Gandhi Quotes. †Brainy Quote. Web. 1 Jan. 2013. http://www. brainyquote. com/quotes/quotes/i/indiragand109081. html â€Å"Inspirational Quotes About Team Work. †Inspiring Team Work Quotes And Short Teamwork Stories. Web. 10 Jan. 2013. http://www. values. com/inspirational-quotes/value/92-Team-Work â€Å"Teamwork Quotes. †Desktop Quotes. Web. 11 Jan. 2013. http://www. desktop-quotes. com/teamwork-quotes. html â€Å"Teaching Stories: Disadvantages of Collaborative Learning. †CL1. Web. 11 Jan. 2013. http://www. wcer. wisc. edu/archive/cl1/cl/story/middlecc/TSCMD. htm
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