Thursday, October 31, 2019
Dealing with Low Demand and Void Properties Essay
Dealing with Low Demand and Void Properties - Essay Example Controlling antisocial behaviors should also be priority for the management of void property. Many properties have been void for over five months, and the duration is likely to increase. Managing the void properties is a task that the landlords should take and improve the performance of the homes (Kennedy and Dugan, 2004, 6). Low demand properties are those that are often rejected by willing customers. A low demand property is characterized by a small waiting list; the property being refused for weighty reasons by potential tenants and elevated rates of occupancy earnings for other property in the area. An outdated design and poor location can result to a property becoming a low demand property (Empty Homes, 2004, 4). A large number of void properties exist in the urban settings. For example, in UK, there exist 860,000 void homes (Bramley, Pawson and Third, 2000). The reasons why these houses become empty are because of low educational status, high unemployment rate, reduced life expectancy and antisocial behavior. Whenever there are large numbers of void homes in a place, then it is the task of the property-owner and the community to determine how they will solve the problem. Emphasis is put on dealing with void properties by satisfying the problem of low supply, elevated prices and unsuitable housing and also low demand. There is the significance of maximizing the utilization of housing stock in areas where the demand is high (Hiscocks, Lee and Shelter Cymru, 2009, 5). However, in areas where demand is low, it is critical to understand the causes of the low demand. The allocation policies are a sustainable way of dealing with low demand. Social issues are usually visible in these areas and are identifiable by the deprived physical environment and void properties. Void properties usually attract different antisocial behaviors such as vandalism, arson and fly
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Assess Benjamin Franklin's contributions to science Research Paper
Assess Benjamin Franklin's contributions to science - Research Paper Example Science is one of the most important fields for development. The world before the 18th century has been described as a primitive world, where people depended on manual ways of during things. The contribution of science was not given the attention it deserved. It was until the 18th century that science became an important field of study for the development of Europe and America. This began with Isaac Newton’s discovery of the law of gravity and light. Newton’s discoveries inspired other scientists, including Edward Jenner and Joseph Priestley who later made important scientific discoveries in medicine and chemistry respectively (Fisher 12). In fact, 18th century comes out as the century that several discoveries were made, including steam engine, cotton gin, mercury thermometer, gas lighting, and hot-air balloon just to name but a few. Benjamin Franklin is among the great American scientists of the 18th century whose contributions in science have been of great importance to the world, several years after his death. Life Benjamin Franklin was born on January 17, 1706 Boston, Massachusetts to a poor family comprising of his father, Josiah who happened to be a candle maker and Abiah, his mother. He was the fifteenth child in their family. Franklin was not lucky to have a formal education. He only managed to attend school for two years before being sent home for lack of school fees (Murre 15). However, since his family was too poor to afford the school fees required, Franklin abandoned school and resorted to helping his poor father in candle making. Nonetheless, since he had interest in having good education, he taught himself how to read and write, as well as how to experiment. Since his family could not afford enough money to feed the entire family, Franklin began working as a printer in Boston to boost his family income. Even though he was working as a printer, he still had a lot of interest in education. As such, he kept reading books and periodicals at night after leaving work (Canada par. 3). The more he continued practicing reading and writing, the more he developed good grammar and style of writing. However, when he was about 17 years of age, Franklin resigned from the print shop where he had been working as a printer. This is after he had gained a wealth of experience in typesetting skills. He then left Boston for Philadelphia, where he arrived very hungry and tired (Murre 18). It did not take him long before getting a new job in Samuel Keimer’s printing shop. Here, he demonstrated great skills, which earned him good salary. At age 22, in 1978, he started his print shop in partnership with Meredith. Few years later at the age of 24 year, Franklin met Deborah, whom he fell in love with, married, and were blessed with two children named Sarah and Francis Folger. His printing business became a great success, transforming him from a poor boy to a wealthy businessperson. In fact, his success in printing business made him become the
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Difference Between Historians and Scientists
Difference Between Historians and Scientists Yong Jia Bu Theory of Knowledge History and the Human Sciences: Stepping Stones through Time Title #5: â€Å"The historian’s task is to understand the past, the human scientist, by contrast, is looking to change the future.†To what extent is this true in these areas of knowledge? History and the human sciences are considered two different areas of knowledge, but are common in that both are concerned with human existence and interactions. To say that â€Å"[t]he historian’s task is to understand the past, the human scientist, by contrast, is looking to change the future†suggests a method of distinguishing between these two areas of knowledge based on the time frame relevant to each, and the purposes for which each area obtains knowledge: history focuses on analysis of past events, their causes and implications, while human sciences, such as geography and psychology, seek more to find patterns in human activity in order to predict and change the future. Subjects such as geopolitics and evolutionary anthropology can, however, bridge the time gap between history and the human sciences, and cause the purposes of knowledge in these two areas to overlap as well. In these particular subjects, understanding the past and changing the future are not neces sarily divergent purposes, but purposes which can work hand in hand to allow a knower to acquire and make use of knowledge. The quotation in the topic of this paper suggests that history is an area of knowledge which places a greater emphasis on understanding the past than on using the acquired knowledge to achieve goals or to alter the trajectory of future events. One reason why this attitude toward history might exist is that out of the vast collection of past events studied in this discipline, the majority of subjects are believed to be too distant in the past or too far removed from the concerns of today’s society to be of significant influence to the future. While this claim is likely not true, as knowledge is almost always pursued because it has value and applications, this belief indirectly reveals the expectations of a credible historian to record and interpret historical knowledge in the most accurate form possible, and that he or she is not motivated to influence the present or future by putting forth historical information that supports personal agendas. A credible historian is therefore someone who uncovers and makes sense of the past for the sake of understanding what has come before. A credible historian recognizes that the knowledge gained his or her studies can be relevant to or have value in the present and future, but does not attempt to control how the knowledge may become influential to society. When I researched the topic of whether Louis Riel, a Canadian politician and rebel during the late 1800’s, should have been sentenced to death for treason, my goal was to gain a better understanding of who Riel was and the circumstances surrounding his death, and then to evaluate the events based on the information I had gathered. In presenting my findings, I needed to show that the conclusions I came to had been achieved through consistent and impartial treatment of historical evidence, and that although my findings may eventually challenge or disprove other positions, the focus on my research was to better understand historical events rather than to promot e what I believed to be true. While I cannot consider myself a credible historian, I believe that those who can would go through a similar process in their studies, in which the historian investigates, makes sense of, and communicates his or her findings without actively aiming to change the future. In this way, a historian’s main concern is to understand the past, despite awareness of the potential implications that their pursuit and refinement of historical knowledge can have on the future. In some cases, although events may have occurred centuries ago, their consequences can continue to affect the lives of people for a long time, and the way that historians interpret evidence surrounding such events can significantly influence the decisions made by individuals or even entire nations. Society may actively pursue historical knowledge in order to solve problems concerning the future. The establishment of political boundaries, though it may fall within field of geopolitics and therefore the human sciences, is closely tied to and influenced by historical land claims and records of settlement. In the Senkaku or Diaoyu Islands dispute, Japan, China, and Taiwan all claim to have sovereignty over a set of uninhabited islands in the East China Sea based on historical records and proceedings (Drifte 11). The Chinese claim is based on documents from the fourteenth to seventeenth centuries that describe ownership of the islands by Taiwan, which China also claims to be part of its o wn country. Disputes also revolve around the Treaty of Shimonoseki of 1895, which ceded islands under Chinese control to Japan but did not specifically mention the Senkaku or Diaoyu Islands (Drifte 12). The understanding of historical events and interpretation of historical documents thus play an important role in shaping the political future, as they are used by governments and international organizations to negotiate territorial boundaries. This field exemplifies how the historian’s role is to look equally toward understanding the past and changing the future. In comparison to history, the human sciences are associated with a more present-to-future time frame. Human scientists recognize the importance of understanding the past observations and studies that their knowledge is based upon, but it is the application of existing knowledge to new situations and problems that is the purpose at the centre of the human sciences. One goal of a human geographer may be to predict the volume and direction of human migration to and from a nation, so that this information can be used to help shape a nation’s future migration policies and perhaps prevent demographic changes not desired by the nation. To do this, the geographer would need to have background knowledge such as the theory of push and pull factors of migration, which consists of â€Å"laws of migration†developed by Ernest George Ravenstein in 1885, and modified by later geographers. Ravenstein’s theory outlines general patterns in the movement of people from one place to another, such as that â€Å"[m]igrants proceeding long distances generally go by preference to one of the great centres of commerce or industry†(Corbett), and while Ravenstein and later contributors must have based their conclusions on studies of specific migratory cases, the statements within the theory do not include details regarding the specific past occurrences that the theory is derived from. The principles of migration listed in this theory act as a condensed body of knowledge that can be learned and applied to current conditions to make predictions about migration trends in the future, which can subsequently prompt actions to avert undesired outcomes. As extensive understanding of the origins of current theories does not necessarily improve the effectiveness of their use, it is not considered essential that human scientists focus their time on understanding past developments which led to the formation of current theories. Rather, human scientists are encouraged to lo ok toward changing the future by readily using the latest complication of knowledge in their field. There are also disciplines which, although considered human sciences, are very concerned with understanding the past. Evolutionary anthropologists seek both to investigate the origins of human beings, as well as to change future scientific paradigms based on new discoveries. In 2013, anthropologists working in southern Georgia excavated 1.8 million-year-old skulls of human ancestors which â€Å"ha[ve] forced scientists to rethink the story of early human evolution†(Sample), because the existence of these early humans in Europe at the same time as the existence of early humans in Africa undermines the widely accepted theory that humans evolved from species that originated in Africa. Regardless of whether this discovery leads to a new evolutionary theory, it illustrates how in one way, the purpose of knowledge in evolutionary anthropology is to seek understanding of the past as historians wouldâ€â€by investigating the collective origins and past of the human species while in another way, the evolutionary anthropologist also seeks to change the future of the discipline by challenging the accepted theories and paradigms of today. Understanding the past and changing the future can thus be equally important objectives in the advancement of the human sciences. When a knower strives to change the future, he or she often realizes the need to understand the past in order to better predict the outcomes and consequences of his or her actions. Conversely, in attempting to understand the past, a knower may be motivated to modify existing approaches toward knowledge to change the future. Subjects within history and the human sciences may lean closer to either the purpose of understanding the past or the purpose of changing the future, but are likely some combination of the two. As history and the human sciences are thus difficult to distinguish on the basis of time frame and purpose of knowledge, additional consideration of their differences in methodologies or sources of evidence may aid in clarifying the differences between the natures of these two areas of knowledge. Word count: 1479 Works Cited Corbett, John. â€Å"Ernest George Raventstein: The Laws of Migration, 1885.†Centre for Spatially Integrated Social Science. University of California, Santa Barbara, 2011. Web. 26 Nov. 2013. Drifte, Reinhard. The Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands Territorial Dispute between Japan and China: between the Materialization of the â€Å"China Threat†and Japan â€Å"Reversing the Outcome of World War II†? The Research Unit on International Security and Cooperation (UNISCI), May 2013. PDF file. Sample, Ian. â€Å"Skull of Homo Erectus Throws Story of Human Evolution into Disarray.†The Guardian. Guardian News and Media Limited, 17 Oct. 2013. Web. 24 Nov. 2013.
Friday, October 25, 2019
How the Study of Sociology Helps us to Understand Different Societies E
Sociology allows us to understand how different groups of people act the way they do, and also brings us into their cultures, heritage and different backgrounds. This study also explains how culture plays a role in the way different groups act, and how it reflects on their society. There are many social issues that sociology explains, such as how larger social and historical forces effect the way the communities act and how individuals act. All of these topics stress how important sociology is today, and how much of a difference it makes in the understanding of different societies. In today?s society people are influenced by the way other people live, and the way people carry out their lives. Other people like to fallow other peoples values, morals, and how they carry out their responsibilities. All of these things effects the way an individual lives, and acts, for instance if people go to school to get an education and get a well paying job. Many people are going to do the same thing just to be in the same class and society, and make the money to have what everyone else has. The importance of education in today?s world is very important in getting that job that pays exceptional well. In today?s society people go to school get a good job and a few years after getting established they start a family. In the past people sometimes graduated highschool and starting a family was more important then getting that well paid job. There are many benefits in having an social imagination. With the imagination people know how to live their lives, and know how to fit in to a group. They fit into a group to feel welcomed and not like an outsider. Feeling part of a group also give a person self confide... ...n beat up cloths then I assume that their not wealthy, dirty, and doesn?t like to take care of them selves. This judgment of others is bad because I know from experience. I wear nice cloths and try to look good all the time but I am not rich or that wealthy. I know kids from my high school who wear worn, beat up cloths that are really rich, and they wear those cloths because that?s their style of living. It could be their culture in a sense but they are just being them selves. With out the study of sociology many people wouldn?t know where to begin in how to understand how a society works. The examining of how the culture works and functions helps us to get a feel of how the different cultures relate to each and every one?s society. Through this study we get a whole new view on how the world is oriented on culture and how every society acts.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Art of Anchoring
Nature of the Work |[About this section] |[pic]Back to Top | |Radio and television announcers perform a variety of tasks on and off the air. They announce station program information, such as program schedules and station breaks for commercials, or public service information, and they introduce and close programs. Announcers read prepared scripts or make ad lib commentary on the air, as they present news, sports, the weather, time, and commercials. If a written script is required, they may do the research and writing. Announcers also interview guests and moderate panels or discussions.Some provide commentary for the audience during sporting events, at parades, and on other occasions. Announcers often are well known to radio and television audiences and may make promotional appearances and do remote broadcasts for their stations. Announcers at smaller stations may cover all of these areas and tend to have more off-air duties as well. They may operate the control board, monitor the tra nsmitter, sell commercial time to advertisers, keep a log of the station’s daily programming, and produce advertisements and other recorded material.Advances in technology make it possible for announcers to do some work previously performed by editors and broadcast technicians. At many music stations, the announcer is simultaneously responsible both for announcing and for operating the control board, which is used to broadcast programming, commercials, and public-service announcements according to the station’s schedule. Much of the recorded material that used to be on records or tape is now in the form of digital files on computers. (See the statement on broadcast and sound engineering technicians and radio operators elsewhere in the Handbook. Public radio and television announcers are involved in station fundraising efforts. Changes in technology have led to more remote operation of stations. Several stations in different locations of the same region may be operated from one office. Some stations operate overnight without any staff, playing programming from a satellite feed or using programming that was recorded earlier, including segments from announcers. Announcers frequently participate in community activities. Sports announcers, for example, may serve as masters of ceremonies at sports club banquets or may greet customers at openings of sporting goods stores.Radio announcers who broadcast music often are called disc jockeys (DJs). Some DJs specialize in one kind of music, announcing selections as they air them. Most DJs do not select much of the music they play (although they often did so in the past); instead, they follow schedules of commercials, talk, and music provided to them by management. While on the air, DJs comment on the music, weather, and traffic. They may take requests from listeners, interview guests, and manage listener contests. Some DJs announce and play music at clubs, dances, restaurants, and weddings.They often have the ir own equipment with which to play the music. Many are self-employed and rent their services out on a job-by-job basis. Show hosts may specialize in a certain area of interest, such as politics, personal finance, sports, or health. They contribute to the preparation of the program’s content, interview guests, and discuss issues with viewers, listeners, or the studio audience. Public address system announcers provide information to the audience at sporting, performing arts, and other events. Work environment.Announcers usually work in well-lighted, air-conditioned, soundproof studios. Announcers often work within tight schedules, which can be physically and mentally stressful. For many announcers, the intangible rewardsâ€â€creative work, many personal contacts, and the satisfaction of becoming widely knownâ€â€far outweigh the disadvantages of irregular and often unpredictable hours, work pressures, and disrupted personal lives. The broadcast day is long for radio and TV stationsâ€â€many are on the air 24 hours a dayâ€â€so announcers can expect to work unusual hours.Many present early-morning shows, when most people are getting ready for work or commuting, while others do late-night programs. The shifts, however, may not be as varied as in the past because new technology is allowing stations to eliminate some of the overnight hours. How did you start off as an anchor? I've been performing in stage shows in school since I was four. Later, while I was doing my Mass Communications from Jamia Milia Islamia, Usha Albuquerque offered me the anchor's job on a career show called Hum Honge Kamyaab. This came out of the blue as I was not planning on getting into a career in anchoring.But after Hum Honge Kamyaab, I got a lot of other offers as an anchor and there's been no looking back since. What is required of an effective anchor? An effective anchor needs to be quick witted, observant and adaptable to unforeseen situations. Which are the areas on e needs to work on constantly to improve as an anchor? One needs to be abreast of what's happening around, to be in sync with the latest fashion accessories and the prevailing dressing trends. Besides, one should work on his/her wit. Basically, one needs to imbibe and absorb a lot more than what one normally does. [pic] |†An effective anchor needs to be quick witted, observant and adaptable | | |to unforeseen situations†| Do you like to work with a ready script? No, I've never done that. All my performances have been impromptu. What are the factors you take into consideration before taking up a new assignment? I look at two factors. One, how much does an assignment appeal to me and can offer me in terms of creative satisfaction.The second factor is obviously the money it gets me. Does TV anchoring pay well? It depends. It pays me very well but I can't be sure of all other anchors. Actually, a lot depends on your popularity. Who are your favourite TV anchors? Jaaved Jaff erey, Shekhar Suman, Cyrus Broacha and last but not the least, Amitabh Bachchan. What are the stylistic elements you've imbibed from them? From Jaaved Jafferey, I've learnt a certain amount of mimicry. In Cyrus, I admire the ability to be as natural and effortless as one can be. I admire Shekhar Suman for the way he has maintained himself.One can't say whether he is in his early forties or the late twenties. I admire Amitabh Bachchan for the modesty, dignity and grace with which he carries himself. Who are your favourite co-anchors? Have you ever co-anchored without a script? I have enjoyed anchoring Public Demand with a girl called Kahkasha who used to be very sparkling. Ritu, who later went on to become Mahima Chaudhary, is one of my other favourite co-anchors. Yes, I have co-anchored without a script. That's not a problem. Once you know the content and once you relate well with your co-anchor, that's no big deal.How has the Mass Communications course helped you in anchoring? Well , it hasn't directly helped me in my anchoring but then being a TV anchor, knowing the camera angles and having an idea of when a break is going to be called, obviously facilitates a better performance. What is the idea behind the creation of Encompass Production? I have found most media houses to be specialists in either events, production or else the creatives. ‘Encompass', as the name suggests, aspires to take up all these activities simultaneously and become a one-stop all-pervasive media house.So far, we have concentrated more on events but we are now producing two TV serials and a movie, which I will be directing. What training do you recommend for aspiring TV anchors? Well, primarily, I feel they should be well-read, more knowledgeable and have a more rounded worldview. Besides, one needs to work on his/her looks because today looks definitely matter. It is unfortunate that good avenues for formal training in TV anchoring do not exist in our country. I'm trying to do my bit on this front through a series of workshops. Besides, nobody can deny that luck plays a crucial part in your success or failure over here.Where do you see Encompass Productions ten years down the line? Having evolved as one of the biggest media conglomerates in the country. Where do you see yourself ten years down the line? Personally, I'm getting into film direction because that is what I'm trained in. Fortunately or unfortunately, the easy money that TV anchoring gave me tied me to it for far too long. But now, I'm fully charged to give film direction a shot. Ten years down the line, I see myself being a successful director of movies. How to Become a TV Reporter or News AnchorBeing a TV reporter/anchor takes sacrifice. On the surface it seems like a glamorous job but those of us who have worked in the industry know it is just the opposite. There is, however, no other job like it in the world. If you like deadline pressure, doing something new every day and making a difference it may be the job for you. [edit] Steps 1. Start at a small market television station: Everyone has visions of taking over the NBC Nightly News anchor desk, but the truth of the matter is a tiny portion of people who get into the TV news business will ever make it to a top 10 market.It’s a good idea to start your career in a small market because you can learn all aspects of the business. You will likely do everything like; report, produce, anchor, shoot video, edit and maybe even run the teleprompter with your foot! You’ll also get the opportunity to make your mistakes. Audiences are much more forgiving in Mobile, Alabama than they are in New York City. 2. Be willing to get little pay†¦at least in the beginning of your career:The average reporter job in a small market gets paid between $15,000 and $18,000 a year. Shocked right?Contrary to popular belief most TV personalities are not rolling in dough. Television news is a field where the supply outweighs the deman d. Basically there are more people who want to be on TV than there are available positions. That’s part of the reason why pay is not competitive. Also, if you start at a small market station, you will get small market pay. It’s the nature of the business. If making a lot of money in your career is important to you don’t get into TV news! 3. Forget about holidays at home: The truth is you will hardly ever get holidays off.You will most likely be working. Established main anchors at TV stations will most likely get holidays off which means you will be stuck at work. If you constantly move markets every couple of years to increase your salary and experience you will always be the new kid on the block, which means you won’t have seniority. So, you can kiss Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s, Fourth of July and Labor Day goodbye. Also â€Å"sweeps†months (when stations monitor how many people are watching) will be off limits for vacation time. These months include: February, May, July and November. 4.Be willing to move anywhere to get your first job: Jobs are so competitive that you can’t be choosy when landing your first job. Sure, you may want to hold out for San Diego, California but if Biloxi, Mississippi offers you your first job you should probably say yes. 5. Go to college: Most TV stations require that you have a college degree preferably in broadcast journalism. Some schools that have top broadcast journalism programs are University Missouri Columbia, Northwestern University, Syracuse University and Arizona State University. 6. Learn how to speak well: Your voice is key in this field.You should concentrate now on projection, enunciation and inflexion. All of these things will help you deliver your â€Å"script†in a compelling nature. Be authoritative in your speech. This will give you credibility with your audience. Read newspapers and magazines aloud. Listen to the best journalists in the field wh en they speak and try to emulate them. 7. Learn how to write for TV: You of course learn some of this in school. Writing for TV is very different from writing a term paper. You need to learn how to write to the images your audience will see on TV. It’s called writing to video.Also, you should keep writing simple and stay away from legalese and cliches. You have only one shot to get the attention of folks at home. 8. Be willing to work all the time: You may be placed on the morning shift, the evening shift, a split shift and the weekend shift at any given moment. New reporters especially have very little say in the hours they work. Working overtime is very common and few stations pay overtime. 9. Create a resume tape: A resume tape is a reel that shows a sample of your reporting/anchoring skills. It usually starts with a slate – a brief showing of your name and contact information.The slate is usually followed by a montage, which is a short segment of compelling live sh ots, samples of reporting and anchoring. The montage is then followed by three of your best stories. The best way to get your first resume tape is to do one in school otherwise it can be quite expensive. When your tape is done you send it on VHS format along with a cover letter and resume to news directors at the stations you are interested in. Then, you wait and cross your fingers. 10. Be Persistent: Don’t stop until you get that first job! Persistence is an invaluable skill any reporter/anchor should have. [edit] Tips Tip: Join a professional association for broadcast journalists like the National Association of Broadcasters, Radio Television News Directors Association, National Association of Asian Journalists, National Association of Black Journalists or the National Association of Hispanic Journalists, to name a few. [edit] Warnings †¢ Warning: TV news is a small and incestuous field. Everyone knows everyone and reputations spread quickly. †¢ TV news is not for the faint of heart. If you have problems with stress and working on a deadline, try another field. If your feelings are easily hurt this may not be the best field for you.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Jacob Lawrence Essay
1.0 Background Jacob Lawrence, one of the most important artists of the 20th century and best known for his series of narrative paintings depicting important moment in African American history was born on 7th September 1917 in Atlantic City (, para. 1). He spent a portion of his childhood life in Pennsylvania after which his parents separated in 1924. Jacob and his siblings went with the mother to New York and settled in Harlem. He was introduced to art at his teen age when his mother enrolled him in Utopia Children’s center which provided an after school art program in Harlem. By 1930’s he could participate in the art programs at the Harlem Art Workshop and the Harlem community art centre, where he got a chance to meet leading American artists of the time such as Augusta Savage and Charles Alton, the director of Harlem workshop at the time and who later became a professor of art at Howard University (, para.1). Having trained as a painter at the Harlem workshop inside the New York Public Library’s 113 5th street branch, and despite being much younger than most of the artists and other writers who took part in the Harlem Renaissance of the 1920’s, Lawrence was a force to recon with (Hughes, para.2). He was not interested in the type of idealized and fake primitives of blacks otherwise referred to as the Noble Negroes in art Deco guise, as they were usually produced as an antidote to the stereotypical racists. He gained confidence particularly from Alain Locke, who was a Harvard trained artist and also the first black Rhodes scholar in America. Locke strongly believed in the pieces of work done by blacks, as it could speak explicitly to African-Americans while still embodying value as well as self critical powers of modernism. Precisely, Locke believed that, â€Å"There is in truly great art in no essential conflict between racial or national traits and universal human valu es†(Hughes, para. 2). 2.0 The work of Jacob Lawrence Lawrence became well known at the age of 21 years when he did his â€Å"Toussant L’Ouverture Series†, a 41 painting collection that depicted a successful rebellion by the Haitian slaves. Three years later at the age of 24, his work became the first from an African American to be included in the permanent collection of the New York Museum of Modern Art (Lawrence, para. 1). Lawrence therefore considered himself to be both an artist and an educator. He used his art to tell stories about the black American history as he felt that this was being overlooked in the teaching of history in America. For instance, Lawrence did a forty panel series which he called â€Å"The Life of Harriet Tubman†who in the 1800s had helped many slaves in the north to free through an Underground Railroad (Sernett, pp. 218). From his childhood, Lawrence had been steeped in stories about movement and migration and therefore with encouragement from Locke, he worked hard to get historical background and related facts right. Months of research in the Schomburg Collection of the Public Library which is the chief archive of African American life and history in New York, saw the realization of his other piece of work, â€Å"Migration Series†which could help trace the mass influx of African Americas from the south to the North as a result of World War I. The two series are known for use of detailed titles and creative images to create narrative history of events (Lawrence, para. 2). Additionally, the series are notable for lack of language use. The author was in no way a propagandist. He however advocated for front social realism which was at its peak in America at the time as evidenced by labor camps, prisons, deserted villages, city slums and race riots which were mainly his subject matter. Lawrence attributed his success to his black experience which was his heritage, more so as far as black Americans struggle to secure independence and justice was concerned. Even during adult hood, he extended this theme to include all human struggles for liberty, and although each of his paintings evidenced his sense of humor as well as human pain and misery, they offered hope for the human condition. In 1937, Lawrence secured a two-year scholarship to the American artist school, where he studied with the  Wilson, Philip Riesman and Eugene Moreley before marrying one of the pupil of Savage who was also a west Indian painter, Gwendolyn Knight in 1941.This scholarship took him out of Harlem but he still maintained a close contact with the community which was the focus of his work as evidenced by his work â€Å"Street Scene Restaurant†, â€Å"Street orator†, â€Å"Interior†and â€Å"Interior scenes†which were shown in 1938. Other notable work that was done by Lawrence were a 32 painting series, â€Å"The Frederic Douglass†and the 22 panel series that he painted while on honeymoon in 1941. In the explosive 1960s, Lawrence painted what most critics have called his work of â€Å"Protest†in favor of civil rights struggle in the South. In one of his paintings, â€Å"The ordeal of Alice†, he showed a black girl dressed in white trying to get into a newly desegregated school in the South but demonic tormentors attack her with arrows in a scene that is common only with religious martyrs. In the late 1960s though, Lawrence progressed from portraying racial injustice into showing racial harmony. At this time he did his series, â€Å"Builders†, which showed both whites and blacks working together in building projects, scenes which could be interpreted to mean rebuilding the society. Despite the changing trends, both political and in artistic field, Lawrence remained true to his own original and creative path until his death in June 9, 2000 (Sernett, pp. 82). 3.0 His work compared with others A comparison between the work of art done by Jacob Lawrence and that of other artists of his time reveals a lot of difference, with most these differences inclined to Lawrence’s outstanding. While most of the artists, especially those doing watercolor paintings like him, are usually inclined to beauty and elegance, Lawrence was different. Even the most recent artists such as Thomas Deir, despite making  the highest sale of $ 10,000 in the Waikiki gallery, do not seem to belong to the same school of thought with Jacob Lawrence ( The work of Lawrence, despite bringing out beauty, also carries some real life meanings as far as human life is concerned. The â€Å"Toussant L’Ouverture Series†, for example is a series that is not only elegant but also carries success. Depicting a successful rebellion by slaves, especially at the time when slave trade and slavery accompanied with a lot of other human misery was rampant, the painting can be said to carry more than Thomas Dier’s â€Å"Mokulua Milky Way valued at over $2000†as far as  human values and relevance  is concerned ( Other renowned artists such Judy Abott or Michelle Amatrula, though recognized for making huge sales from their pieces of work, do not address contemporary issues like Lawrence does. The other artist who could in away compares to Jacob Lawrence is Martin Johnson Heade (1819-1904) who is particularly known for his Luminists landscape particularly of the storms and marshes in South America as well as still life paintings. Martin Johnson Heade (originally Heed) was equally a talented artist of the nineteenth century. He is remembered for his flora, fauna and landscape paintings that do not only have a rich effect of color and light but could also portray some poetic sentiments. Lawrence however still appears to outweigh Heade in what can be drawn from a critical analysis of their work. Put in simple terms, while the work from both artists share beauty, Lawrence has some educative aspect injected into his work. By all definitions, Lawrence was better than most of the other artists of the time as evidenced by the numerous awards and credit that goes to his name. In 1974, the Whitney Museum of American Art held a major retrospective of the work done by Lawrence which later resulted to his election to the American Academy of Arts and Letters in 1983, while in 1977, he received an invitation to paint during the inauguration of Jimmy Carter. In May 2007, the White House Historical Association bought Lawrence’s â€Å"Builders†shown below for $2.5 million at auction. This painting today hangs in the white House Green Room (Crehan, para.5). 4.0 Conclusion Jacob Lawrence is probably one of the best artists that ever appeared on the face of earth. His work reveals a rare talent that he recognized and exploited fully. Despite being a black American, he beat all odds to become one of the best artists of the 21st century while the plight of fellow black Americans remained a dear concern to his heart. This is what his work addressed. Jacob Lawrence is no doubt a legend whose life deserves recognition by and over generations while his artistic work will continue to demand respect over centuries.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Importance of value creation to health care organisations Essays
Importance of value creation to health care organisations Essays Importance of value creation to health care organisations Paper Importance of value creation to health care organisations Paper Value creation is a corporate mantra, which was come into existence by creating reengineering and restructuring of thoughts during nineties. It is better to know the value creation, which is the first step to have growth of the organization. Coca-Cola and Lloyds brands recognize the value creation and they have made value creation drive with their growth for over a decade. Value is creation is nothing but it is exposure of the organization in different angles in general, technical with the other advantages. The growth and size is not important for the organizations, but if the organization create value it dominate the others by means of most profitable and fast growing. The coca-cola and Lloyds are the dominant and most profitable and fastest growing players though they are not big in size and growth for their respective fields. It is one type of strategic planning to optimize the profits in a business operation. IMPORTANCE The basic steps for value creation are where you are and how to grow. It is nothing an analysis of the organization and identifying the current position and making the steps to grow by comparing with the competitive organizations. It is enough time to observe such things and results to a make towards by all other companies whether they are general, technical or Health Care organizations. It is not specific that this strategy is applicable to only specific categories. But it is applicable to all types of categories, because the public is slowly accustoming with the importance of value creation concept and they are looking with the value of company, which was exposed by the company. If some type of companies creating value and they will be very much aware by the public, whereas other companies which are not created their value definitely be backed by the other companies. Hence the value creation is important to the Health Care organizations also. The value creation of the organization is not so easy. The organization should take the help the consultancy services that provide value creation and brand image. The health organizations should establish corporate value creation, which are linked with intangible performance such as innovation, customer relations, management capabilities, alliances, technology, brand value, employee relations and Environmental and community issues. ESSENTIAL Creation of value means innovation, production and delivery of products to the markets. Value creation is important because it relates to the achievement of business objectives and subsequent promotion of economic growth. The world is changing day-by-day and mere having the physical assets to the organization is not enough. Since the world is noticed with intellectual property rights, it is being linked with the intellectual assets and it can be called as intellectual capital. The health care organization does not produce any articles and they do not base on manufacturing and processing of articles. Hence the physical assets are invisible to the Health care organizations. The health care organizations should depend upon intellectual assets such as innovation, quality management, employee relation and quality of products and services. Effective elevation of human resources leads to intellectual capital or Human Capital. The human capital is combination knowledge and skills of individual employees as well as company values and culture. It provides the following The importance of the value creation indicates the following Value creation is a positive function of intellectual capital. It is a positive function of team productivity. It is positive function of collaboration. It is positive function of task. Increased social intellectual infrastructure will increase the level of value created. CONCLUSION When you take the example of coca cola company. If it is analyzed, the origination has only one product and wider value creation is provided. But in the case of the Health care organizations, the organizations will have so many service products i.e. so many plans such as individual packages, group packages, one year packages, five year packages, discounts, facilities providers, HMO plans, PPO plans etc. Even the organization employee will not be able to give full details of schemes offered by the organization. How the public will know the details. For only one product, the coca-cola makes such value creation, how much health care organization should provide the value creation. Even the other business holders who are in life insurance business are also making the value creation. Hence it is essential to the Health Care organizations to provide value creation effectively in order to increase the brand image, growth of the organization and profits too. Besides, the Health care organization can use, the Value Creation Index to know the difference between the non-financial performance and Firm’s valuation. The Value Creation Index most suits to the organizations such financial services, airlines, pharmaceuticals, telecommunications and products and service sectors. It is a link between an organization’s non-financial performance and Firm’s valuation in the markets.  It is more important the creation of value in Health care organization rather than other industries, because, the services offered by Health Care Organization requires more attention and requires more exposure
Monday, October 21, 2019
Introduction to Craigslist Essay example
Introduction to Craigslist Essay example Introduction to Craigslist Essay example Outline Introduction: How is IOS (I Phone) publicized? * flooded twitter, Facebook timelines, YouTube, and many other sites all over the web * Everybody has their set beliefs and opinions on which phone is better. * Android VS I Phone Presentation Aid. * Personally, I think the Android is the better phone for many reasons and you don’t have to agree with me but I will definitely give all of you something new to think about. * Cool android * The Android is affordable, durable, has variety as well as flexibility, and so many customizing features and apps that makes the device â€Å"cool.†Excite audience emotion (Body): * Price: Android is a much better choice than the iPhone when it comes down to price. * Android phones range anywhere from 100 to 600 dollars. In contrast the cheapest iPhone is the IPhone 3G which costs anywhere from 399 and the latest IPhone 5 is 700 dollars * Reliability: * They are many who agree with me when I say that most Android phones don’t break easily. I personally have dropped my Android phone over twenty times on concrete as well as tile and my phone isn’t broken or even scratched. * Most Buyers don’t want to spend hard earned money on a device that doesn’t last or can’t be used long-term. * variety of options: * Since Android phones are made by a variety of manufacturers, buyers have a variety of options when choosing a device. Android phones come in many different sizes and colors; they also have different special features. * Variety of options choosing an Android phone * with a slide-out keyboard, * A mounted keyboard, or * No keyboard at all. * Buyers also have the option of choosing between different screen sizes and screen resolutions as well. On
Sunday, October 20, 2019
How Drawing Doodles Can Help You in College
How Drawing Doodles Can Help You in College Imagine the following scenario: a college classroom with a teacher droning on and students spacing out. As your mind wanders and you begin to daydream, the person next to you is doodling in their notebook. You’re thinking that they won’t remember anything from this lecture either. You would be wrong. In fact, the doodler next to you is likely to retain 29% more information than you did from that boring lecture. Much has been made recently of the cognitive benefits of doodling. Books like The Doodle Revolution by Sunni Brown and Drawing is Magic by John Hendrix follow on the heels of a 2008 book Drawing is Thinking by Milton Glaser. According to these and other authors, what may seem like the physical representation of daydreaming is something that helps connect people to ideas and concepts that they’re being exposed to. Remember More For example, in a 2009 study conducted by Psychology professor Jackie Andrade tested the effects of doodling while listening to a boring telephone message. The subjects who were asked to doodle were able to remember more information contained in the message than the subjects who only listened to the message while sitting still. Another example was found in an article printed in the Wall Street Journal where medical student Michiko Maruyama explains how her â€Å"daily doodles†helps her to synthesize the information passed on in that day’s lecture. Her system seems to work well for her. In fact, when she tested it by stopping her doodling practice for a week, her grades suffered. Stimulate Creativity But doodling doesn’t only help you recall information. It can also help generate ideas. Architect Gabriela Goldshmidt conducted a study in 2014 in which a student doodled his name over and over again while meditating on a child’s kindergarten he was assigned to design. During the course of his doodling, he began to unlock a vision of the kindergarten and was able to transfer it to a sketch for class. The author of the book Drawing is Magic recalls that most people draw and doodle as children, but as adults, they stop. He encourages people to doodle in order to recreate the lightness and playfulness of childhood which is also where a wealth of creativity and ideas dwell. Find Joy in Learning In a study by Charlotte Hughes and Scott Asakawa, they report that when students were encouraged to â€Å"draw what they learned during lecture, and while doing assigned readings†¦[they] not only retained more information, but they also reported more enjoyment and engagement with the course material.†Elisabeth Irgens, a proponent of doodling, highlights the idea that the visual aspect of note-taking is like â€Å"adding some joy†to your notes and makes you want to take them out and look at them again. Try It If you want to try doodling and see what all the hype is about, here are some expert tips on how to get started: Grab some pencils, pens, markers or colored pencils. Whatever you like to use. You don’t have to make the whole thing official by buying a block of drawing paper. That can feel too intimidating. Just a regular notebook is fine for doodling. Many people find that a combination of words and drawings works best. Keywords from your reading or lecture paired with visual representations of your thoughts, associations and ideas. Think about the flow on the page most people are inclined to work from top to bottom and left to right. But that doesn’t mean you have to. Whatever flow makes sense to you as you move through the material and find your spacing on the page. Use colors as markers some people respond to colors in emotional ways. Colors can serve as ways to highlight a specific point or convey an opinion about a subject without putting that opinion into words. These are just some tips on doodling. There is no right or wrong way to do it. Try it out for yourself and see the results.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Are Managers Measuring the Financial Risk in the Right Manner Article
Are Managers Measuring the Financial Risk in the Right Manner - Article Example Conversely, bankruptcy risk denotes a situation where the price of a security, for example, shares plummet without any optimism that it will improve. As such, the investor faces an imminent loss. The author explores at lengthy how different models treat bankruptcy risk differently. For instance, the CAPM model treats bankruptcy risks as unsystematic risks (Srinivas, 2013). The author subsequently verifies it by calculating its correction with future returns. The correlation is a negative figure, which is a characteristic of unsystematic risks. The author identifies the weakness of Adjusted Present Model (APV), which integrates bankruptcy in the calculation of the value of a corporate entity. As per this model, bankruptcy risk only arises due an increase in debt. However, in the corporate world companies go bankrupt due to a myriad of reasons, which include poor management, rivalry and loss of market. The article seeks to chart a new way forward in the calculation of risk by managers. However, to understand what the article proposes with regard to calculation of risk, it is vital to understand the weaknesses of the present methods of risk evaluation. Most methods such as CAPM and APV calculate risks after classification into either systematic or unsystematic risk. In the calculation of the total risk of a firm or a company, unsystematic risk is overlooked. To understand why it is overlooked, it is vital to define systematic and unsystematic risks. Systematic risk denotes the decrease or increase in returns from an investment or a security owing to events or factors, which afflict all firms unfavourably. Unsystematic risk refers to decrease or increase in the earnings from an investment or a security due to reasons particular to a single firm (Damodaran, 2010). The models only consider factors that afflict all the firms (systematic) as unsystematic risks may be addressed through d iversification of the
Friday, October 18, 2019
Presentation reaction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Presentation reaction - Essay Example In the minds of this reviewer, perhaps the greatest strength that the presentation provided was the fact that it was able to integrate with the listener the understanding of how technology has positively affected the ability of the individual to communicate remotely such that they were unable to do in previous years. Undoubtedly, this has caused a large increase in the efficiency and availability of key decision makers regardless of where they might be at any particular point in time. By allowing these shareholders to take their work with them even when they are on the road, it is possible for them to assume a higher degree of responsibility. An additional benefit that the discussion presents is the fact that dependence upon cell phones and other related equipment does not hurt productivity due to the fact that the reachability plus dual and multifunctional nature that these devices represent allow individuals to utilize them during meetings and other such situations to both take notes and engage with other forms of work. However, the greatest weakness that the presentation did not specifically discuss was the fact that an over dependence upon technology and its application to affect communication via alternative means rather than direct or face to face has meant that a certain amount of efficiency and relationship building potential is lost. It is difficult to quantify this as a determinate measurement; however, it is reasonable to assume that as more and more people become increasingly dependent and bound to these means of expression, the ability and level to which they are able to intimate these ideas in a traditional means will necessarily become weakened; if for no other reason than due to the lack of practice of traditional means of communication that they will practice. The presentation itself was effective in integrating the basic
The Declaration of Bankruptcy as a Legal Way Research Proposal
The Declaration of Bankruptcy as a Legal Way - Research Proposal Example Most bankruptcies would not only involve one creditor but many. Debts are usually classified as secured and unsecured (Bankruptcy Alberta, n.d.). Secured debts originate from valuable assets that come with a security agreement allowing a creditor to take back the assets if a debtor fails to pay or abide by the terms of the agreement with the creditor. Car leases, home mortgages, rent-to-own, and other installment purchase contracts are examples of secured debts. The assets such as the car or house in these contracts are given up as collateral if the debtor is unable to pay. The second type of debts is unsecured debt. This type of debt includes credit cards, overdrafts and the general day-to-day bills that people pay on a regular basis. These debts are often referred to as trade debts. For secured debts, when a debtor is declared bankrupt, the creditor cannot make him pay and his chance to take back the assets from the debtor is very limited. For unsecured debts, the creditors cannot force a debtor who is declared bankrupt to pay regular bills. Unsecured contracts are terminated by a bankruptcy. If a debtor receives a discharge from bankruptcy, the creditor’s right to collect no longer exists. Several laws including the Bankruptcy Code enacted in 1978 govern all bankruptcy cases. The primary goal of these laws is to give debtors a financial fresh start from burdensome debt. It allows the debtor to start anew, uninhibited by the pressures and discouragements of preexisting debts. The goal to cancel debts is accomplished by a bankruptcy discharge. It is a publication that basically releases the debtor from being liable for specific debts and forbids the creditor to take any action against the debtor to collect those debts. The bankruptcy discharge is in a question-and-answer format. It seeks to provide information regarding the timing of the dischargeâ€â€which of the debts are discharged and which are not, any objections to the discharge and how the dis charge can be revoked. It also includes the actions a debtor can take in the case that the creditor still collects a discharged debt after the bankruptcy is concluded. There are other parties involved in the bankruptcy. Filing bankruptcy cannot be easily done by any person who wishes to be relieved of debts. He must first be qualified to be declared bankrupt. The party responsible for this is the bankruptcy judge, who functions as a judicial officer. He decides whether or not a debtor is eligible for bankruptcy and whether or not he should be should be discharged of his debts. More often than not, the bankruptcy process is conducted away from the courthouse because it is administrative. In some cases, another party, the trustee is appointed to oversee the case. The trustee is appointed through the United States Trustee Program of the Department of Justice. He administers the bankruptcy and represents the interests of the bankruptcy estate (Shoemaker & Dart, P.S., 2010). By far, ther e had been many types of bankruptcies but generally, there are three main types. The types of bankruptcies are named after the chapters in which they appear in the Bankruptcy Code. In most resources, these three types of bankruptcies are considered the main types: Chapter 7, Chapter 11, and Chapter 13. Chapter 7 type of bankruptcy is entitled Liquidation. It is sometimes. This involves the sale for cash of nonexempt property (includes such assets as bank accounts, stocks, and bonds) and the
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Unit 6 PP mini Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Unit 6 PP mini - Coursework Example Diversity is very critical when it comes to the aspect of a high-performance team. An effective team has to have members who have a widespread range of experiences and skills from which to draw for guidance, motivation and support (Melton, 2008). In reference to the birthday planning project, diversity is necessary since the party involves many activities such as decoration, cleaning of the environment, invitation, and purchase of requirements. The team members have to have particular weaknesses and strengths that complement each other. Another example, where diversity is necessary, is during the actual party where each team member is expected to play his/her role for the team to run smoothly. A high-performance team rely on effective communication so as to pool their work efforts (Rad & Levin, 2003). Additionally, there should be effective written and oral communication that is concise and clear. It is also important for each team member to feel contented and able to speak out about his/her given responsibilities making effective communication is vital to the birthday party project. Effective communication allows the team member to provide their creative ideas on the topic, and this is very important for the birthday party. A team member may add an idea, for instance, towards the decoration of the party. Clear goals and expectations drive a high-performance team. Having a team working toward the same objective and should be undoubtedly understood by all the team members (Melton, 2008). Additionally, each team members has to know their responsibilities clearly in the project. In reference to the birthday party project, all the team members should be mindful that the end goal is to create the best birthday party without any setbacks. The team members also have to know their responsibilities properly and take them seriously so as to achieve the end goal. Lastly, members of a high-performance team have to trust each other in
Females and Science GCSE'S Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Females and Science GCSE'S - Literature review Example our, or sex†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ This was supposed to mark a fundamental shift the rights of females when it comes to education as this would basically mean both male or female student have a right to equal treatment in education. Participation and achievement of females in certain subjects and more especially science subjects was a major issue in the 1950s since schools were divided on sex basis. Single sex schools for boys and girls tough different subjects; boys were taught more academic subjects while girls were taught subjects more inclined to femininity and the home setting. â€Å"†¦the advent of free education for many girls had brought nothing more than the opportunity to learn, †¦ all those domestic skills which they could, in former times, have learnt at home.†(Deem 1978, P. 17). Male domination continued to affect every aspect of society and children were introduced to this even in the education system where the girl was seen to be just capable of learning dome stic related subject which were may be thought easy to handle. Beginning in the 1970s feminists began to query the underachievement by girls in subjects such as science and mathematics. They found out that division in the curriculum was largely to blame inequalities in the education system which led to underachievement of girls in science and technical subjects and this led to educational reforms of 1988 which granted females an equal opportunity for education as males. They were therefore able to participate just like boys in the learning of all subjects including sciences. Major changes have been observed in examinations measuring the competence of students all the genders in academics and these changes are linked to the reforms brought about by the Education Act of 1988. Government has intervened significantly to ensure provision of equal education for all, and at the same time public views on gender have also changed positively. Prior of to the reforms of England’s education system, goals were socially
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Godzilla Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Godzilla - Essay Example Its signature weapon is its atomic breath that spews a stream of radioactive fire from his jaws whose color resembles the color of his dorsal fins. Godzilla can also emit short-range pulse atomic energy from his body called the pulse. The original Godzilla also has magnetic capability, which it uses against its metallic enemies. In addition to atomic-based powers, the original Godzilla is immune to injury and can heal itself fast. Its skin is impervious to any military arsenal weaponry making the monster virtually indestructible or invincible. It is also amphibious which can go to the deep of the oceans as well as roam the lands to wreak havoc. Of course, part of the story of the film is how to destroy Godzilla. Godzilla’s vulnerability, however, is hard to confirm and the origin of its alleged weaknesses are not thoroughly explained in its earlier films. There were instances where Godzilla manifested weakness against high voltage of electricity but in the same vein, it also q uite ironic that the monster is strengthened when struck by a lightning. Inversely, Godzilla showed that it freezes in chilling conditions but it can only suspend the movement of the monster. In one early film The Return of Godzilla, the monster showed vulnerability to cadmium but still not enough to kill the monster. In some earlier versions of Godzilla, such as â€Å"Godzilla vs. Space Godzilla, the directors hint that Godzilla does have a vulnerable spot under his armpit, that makes him susceptible to attack. The metaphor is that it is similar to an â€Å"Achilles Heel. This however, did not progress beyond this hint because it was not validated in the film that Godzilla died by a strike under its armpit. The new movie has not indicated if Godzilla has a new weakness or vulnerability. Instead, news had it that there will be three monsters in the film and one of them is Godzilla. The new movie of Godzilla will have three times the level of difficulty to kill because there are no w three monsters. As usual, the monsters will be wreaking havoc in cities and attacking the government with all its armaments. The original movie also used live models that measured 50 to 100 meters. Recently, there is confirmed news of a new installment of Godzilla. The first production shot will be on March of 2013 and the film will be shown on May 16, 2014. The film is not yet show but there are already records of what new Godzilla will be. According to the producers and creators of the new Godzilla, a fan will create the image of Godzilla. Its original producer Toho Co., Ltd. will not also produce it, rather by Legendary Pictures (Picard a). The new version will be in 3D compared to the two dimensional rendition of the original film. The original Godzilla used live models and the new Godzilla will instead use CGI (Computer Generated Image) to render the physical presence the monster and its effects. The setting will be in Vancouver, Canada and not in Tokyo like the original Godz illa version (Picard b). In addition, the new writer of the film is Frank Darabont who can clean up the original script written by Max Borenstein. With regard to casting, there is word that in Godzilla 2014 will cast Bryan Cranston (Argo, Total Recall, Get a Job) and
Females and Science GCSE'S Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Females and Science GCSE'S - Literature review Example our, or sex†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ This was supposed to mark a fundamental shift the rights of females when it comes to education as this would basically mean both male or female student have a right to equal treatment in education. Participation and achievement of females in certain subjects and more especially science subjects was a major issue in the 1950s since schools were divided on sex basis. Single sex schools for boys and girls tough different subjects; boys were taught more academic subjects while girls were taught subjects more inclined to femininity and the home setting. â€Å"†¦the advent of free education for many girls had brought nothing more than the opportunity to learn, †¦ all those domestic skills which they could, in former times, have learnt at home.†(Deem 1978, P. 17). Male domination continued to affect every aspect of society and children were introduced to this even in the education system where the girl was seen to be just capable of learning dome stic related subject which were may be thought easy to handle. Beginning in the 1970s feminists began to query the underachievement by girls in subjects such as science and mathematics. They found out that division in the curriculum was largely to blame inequalities in the education system which led to underachievement of girls in science and technical subjects and this led to educational reforms of 1988 which granted females an equal opportunity for education as males. They were therefore able to participate just like boys in the learning of all subjects including sciences. Major changes have been observed in examinations measuring the competence of students all the genders in academics and these changes are linked to the reforms brought about by the Education Act of 1988. Government has intervened significantly to ensure provision of equal education for all, and at the same time public views on gender have also changed positively. Prior of to the reforms of England’s education system, goals were socially
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Exploring Cultural anthropology Essay Example for Free
Exploring Cultural anthropology Essay Cultural difference(s) is one of the research topics that best suits for a cultural anthropologist to study. In my own perspective as a cultural anthropologist, cultural difference in the United States of America is one of the topics I might propose to research. In the United States where the issue of racism is of most major concern among other races, the history of racial discrimination has passed down until today. Many races including Asians are discriminated with regards to services, priorities, socialization, and its laws. Although there are sufficient laws that suspend racial discrimination among other races, this issue will still be in existence because of each cultural differences. This study may help in understanding better cultural differences/racism where it is in existence in the whole and is at most importance to international relations. Why would you choose this culture and topic for research? I chose the culture of United States since it has been the model of every other culture in the world. Many countries are instigated to pattern their country to the United States political system, diversity in religion, economy, and culture and traditions. As a world’s sole superpower, its culture plays an important role in maintaining its political and economic power to the world. American sports in example, military tradition, and advancement in science, arts and in entertainment (Hollywood); these are the things that draws political and economic power to the United States. Its culture is of most interest by other countries in the world. With regards to racism, I chose this topic for the reason that, until today, the United States struggles in eliminating or otherwise minimized racial discrimination domestically. It is a human nature to treat other races superior or inferior among them. It is of our interest the better ways if eliminate, prevent racial discrimination among others. The study of United States culture will give better understanding what it takes to be a charismatic country and a representation to the world. The study of racism will give better understanding how will we become accustomed to other races (The Journal of American Culture, 2009). What do you hope to discover, accomplish, or address by studying this culture? How could you prepare for culture shock? The culture of the United States through careful study would lay the foundation how a developing will and/or a poor country rise to power, elevate their political and economic influence to developed countries, and improved their standard of living via instigating American culture. I’m hoping to give details on different cultures, and address the needs of other people towards information dissemination. With regards to culture shock, studying culture may help in adjusting and/or adapt to culture differences. References â€Å"The Journal of American Culture. †American Family Traditions, (2009). American Family Traditions. Retrieved June 11, 2009 from americanfamilytraditions database.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Discourse Analysis of Opening Speeches at Shangri La
Discourse Analysis of Opening Speeches at Shangri La INTRODUCTION Rationale Under the growing trend towards globalization, English is known as the most preferable language used in every field of mans life. No one can deny the usefulness of this language in enhancing international communication among individuals, organizations, as well as nations in this fast-changing world. Not surprisingly, English is a tool for countries all over the world to participate fully in the international network. Giving speech play an important role in any kind of forums, especially in summit conferences like Shangri-La Dialogue. A good speech will show the intentions, feelings, emotions, expectation and even the criticism of the speaker to his audiences. Thus, in order to have an effective and successful speech Shangri-La Dialogue, the speakers have to provide clear and relevant messages. In addition, their intellect, understanding, political stance and consistency need to be performed when the speakers give speech. Besides, the speakers attitude also plays an essential part in making the address more effectively, vividly and persuasively. Not only that the goal of persuasion, the messages are more persuasively and powerfully delivered. I realize that there are so many interesting things that need to be studied in speeches used in Shangri-La dialogues. There has been no research so far in Vietnam, to my knowledge, offering a discourse analysis of speeches in Shangri-La dialogues. From these factors, I have decided to choose Adiscourse analysis of opening speeches at Shangri-La dialogues as the topic of my M.A thesis because of its importance and significance. This thesis is carried out with the hope that the research will be a contribution to present linguistic knowledge and provide Vietnamese learners of English, especially students in the press and diplomatic fields with some useful information about the linguistic features of speeches in political forums. Aims and objectives Aims of the study The study aims to investigate the discourse features of opening speeches at Shangri-La dialogues in terms of their discourse topics, cohesive devices and stylistic devices. Objectives This paper is designed to aim at the following objectives: To examine the discourse features of opening speeches used in Shangri-La dialogues in terms of their discourse topics, cohesive devices and stylistic devices. To study the significant effect of discourse features on opening speeches ( the contents of speech, the intention and attitude of the lecturerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦) To discuss about the results of the findings so that a generalization of the language can be made. To suggest some implications for teaching English to Vietnamese learners especially students of the diplomacy and press fields. Scope of the Study Within a limited scope of an M.A thesis, this research will focus on studying the discourse topics, the cohesive devices and the stylistic devices of opening speeches used in Shangri-La dialogues. Research questions In order to achieve the above mentioned aims and objectives, the research will seek to the answers for the following questions: What are the discourse features of opening speeches at Shangri-La dialogues in terms of their discourse topics? What are the discourse features of opening speeches at Shangri-La dialogues in terms of their cohesive devices? What are the discourse features of opening speeches at Shangri-La dialogues in terms of their stylistic devices? Organization of the study The study is organized into five chapters as follows. Chapter 1, Introduction presents the rationale, the aims and objectives, the research questions to solve, the scope and the organization of the research. Chapter 2, Literature Review and Theoretical Background consists of two parts. The first part is a review of previous studies related to this thesis. The second one is concerned with theoretical concepts of terms : discourse topics, cohesive devices and stylistic devices. Chapter 3, Methods and Procedures concerns itself with the research method, procedure of data collection, description of samples, data analysis and research procedures. Chapter 4, Findings and Discussion discusses the main purpose of conducting this study. It focuses on answering the research questions about the discourse topics, cohesive devices, and stylistic devices of opening speeches used in Shangri-La dialogues. It presents the results and discusses the findings of the study. Chapter 5, Conclusion and Recommendation draws conclusions and suggests some implications basing on the results in previous chapter. LITERATURE REVIEW AND THEORETICAL BACKGROUND Literature Review Discourse Analysis (DA) is a modern linguistic discipline that covers a wide variety of different fields. Discourse analysis examines language in use both written texts of all kinds and spoken data from conversation to highly institutionalized forms of talk. Analysis of discourse looks not only at the basic level of what is said, but takes into consideration the contexts which it is used. Thus, discourse analysis not only study language use beyond the sentence boundar, but also analyze naturally occurring language use. It means that discourse analysis is one of the aspects which attract the interest of many linguists and researchers all over the world. Under the heading of discourse analysis, there have been a lot of studies dealing with a wide range of its subfields such as coherence, cohesion, context, conversation analysis, information structure, speech act theory and theme-rhyme. Up to present, many foreign scholars including Halliday and Hasan [30], Brown and Yule [18], Cook [21 ], Hatch [31], Nunan [33] have made great contributions to the field in different approaches and methods. These publications focused on one or another aspect of discourse analysis theory which gave us an overall picture of theoretical background to examine how language is in use. In Vietnam, many linguists have made great contributions to the study of discourse analysis. Tran Ngoc Them [10] has investigated in detail cohesion in Vietnamese texts with Hà ¡Ã‚ »Ã¢â‚¬ ¡ thà ¡Ã‚ »Ã¢â‚¬Ëœng lià ªn kà ¡Ã‚ ºÃ‚ ¿t văn bà ¡Ã‚ ºÃ‚ £n Tià ¡Ã‚ ºÃ‚ ¿ng Vià ¡Ã‚ »Ã¢â‚¬ ¡t and Văn bà ¡Ã‚ ºÃ‚ £n và Lià ªn kà ¡Ã‚ ºÃ‚ ¿t trong Tià ¡Ã‚ ºÃ‚ ¿ng Vià ¡Ã‚ »Ã¢â‚¬ ¡t. Nguyen Duc Dan [4] and Nguyen Thien Giap [5] studied discourse analysis from a pragmatic view. Diep Quang Ban [2] has given an overall view of text and utterance especially above the sentence level. Nguyen Hoa with Nghià ªn cà ¡Ã‚ »Ã‚ ©u dià ¡Ã‚ »Ã¢â‚¬ ¦n ngà ´n và ¡Ã‚ »Ã‚ chà nh trà ¡Ã‚ »Ã¢â‚¬ ¹ xà £ hà ¡Ã‚ »Ã¢â€ž ¢i [6] and more recently Nguyen Hoa with Phà ¢n tà ch dià ¡Ã‚ »Ã¢â‚¬ ¦n ngà ´n phà ª bà ¬nh [8]. Besides, there have been a number of master theses dealing with political speeches including: Le Thi Hoang Van [32] made an investigation into Linguistic Features of Antithesis in Political Speeches in English and Vietnamese. In this research, she investigated argumentation power of antithesis and stylistic features of rhetorical devices in antithesis in English political speeches and Vietnamese political speeches. Pham Khac Thu [36] did a research on Modality Markers Used in Political Speeches by US Presidents. The author investigated a wide range of modal expressions used in all the inaugural speeches of the US presidents. Nguyen Thi Hanh [35] investigated into the structure of Theme Rheme in English and Vietnamese political speeches. The study focuses on the structure of Theme Rheme in English and Vietnamese political speeches in terms of characteristics, semantic and pragmatic aspects. Nguyen Uy Dung [34] carried out an investigation into Stylistic Devices in Political Speeches by US Presidents. The study highlighted the use of Stylistic Devices in political speeches by US Presidents. Most of them studied the discourse or a small aspect of political speeches being well-prepared in written texts by the politicians. All study above gave me a useful brief knowledge about discourse and help me have an overview of language definition, language development and its branches in general, and language characteristics in details as well. Beside that, I also recognized that there are some fields which others theses do not deal with. I, myself, would like to contribute my little more effort into them. To the best of my knowledge, up to now, there is little evidence that any research on discourse analysis of opening speeches in dialogues about political issues has been done. Thus, A discourse analysis of Opening speeches at Shangri-La dialogues would be conducted with the aim of contributing a minor part to the overall picture of this field. Theoretical background The study will make use of a theoretical framework based on these following fundamental concepts. 2.2.1. Concepts of Discourse 2.2.2. Concepts of Discourse Analysis 2.2.3. Discourse topic a. Topic framework b. Presupposition pools c. Sentential topic and the presupposition pool 2.2.4. Cohesion and Coherence a. Cohesion b. Coherence 2.2.5. Stylistic Devices a. Definition of Stylistic Devices c. Notion of Common Stylistic Devices in speech b. Function of Stylistic Devices 2.2.6. An overview of a speech 3. METHOD AND PROCEDURE Research Design Descriptive method seems to be the most popular tool in doing any linguistic research since linguistics is by nature a descriptive science and the analytic method is typically used to clarify and justify their features. As mentioned above, the aim of this study was to describe and analyze speeches used in Shangri-La dialogues. Descriptive and qualitative methods were used to give a detailed description of their discourse topics, cohesive devices and stylistic devices of speeches used in Shangri-La dialogues. Quantitative information was also collected to show the frequency of the discourse features of speeches used in Shangri-La dialogues along with qualitative information about the discourse features of a speech. Data collection and data analysis Data Collection The data of the study appeared in the form of transcripts of Shangri-La dialogues on the Internet which are based on the criteria defined. They were selected mainly from the following website on August, 2015: Data Analysis In this study, more than 14 samples of speeches used in Shangri-La dialogues selected for the analysis are in the form of written texts in the sources provided. After collecting these samples of answer, they are analyzed in terms of their discourse topics, cohesive devices and stylistic devices. All samples are shown in the following table: Order Date of Opening Dialogues Speaker Length 1st 30 May 2003 Lee Kun Yew 41:32 2nd 30 May 2003 Lee Kun Yew 37:26 3rd 4 June 2004 Goh Chok Tong 40:35 4th 3 June 2005 Lee Hsien Loong 32:45 5th 2 June 2006 Lee Hsien Loong 37:12 6th 1 June 2007 Lee Hsien Loong 45:23 7th 30 May 2008 Lee Hsien Loong 28:50 8th 29 May 2009 Kevin Rudd 36:48 9th 4 June 2010 Lee Myung-Bak 43:15 10th 3 June 2011 John Chipman 30:22 11th 1 June 2012 Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono 26:18 12th 31 May 2013 Nguyen Tan Dung 25:00 13th 30 May 2014 John Chipman 50:17 14th 29 May 2015 Lee Hsien Loong 38:16 Research procedures The research was conducted with the procedures as follows: Identifying the research topic to study by reviewing the previous studies thoroughly. Collecting documents related to the research in the library and other sources from the Internet. Collecting samples of speeches used in Shangri-La dialogues from the Internet. Presenting, describing and analyzing the data in order to find out discourse feature of speeches. Suggesting some implications for language users and further research. The study will be carried out following these steps: Time Work Place April-Sept, 2015 Working on proposal literature review Ä aklak Sept-Nov, 2015 Data collection + initial analysis Ä aklak Nov-Dec, 2015 Analysis Ä aklak Jan, 2016 Update literature review Ä aklak Feb-May, 2016 Writing up Ä aklak June, 2016 Completing first draft Ä aklak July, 2016 Updating first draft Ä aklak July, 2016 Finishing writing MA thesis Ä aklak Aug, 2016 Presenting MA thesis Ä aklak Reliability and Validity In terms of reliability, the source selected to be analyzed is derived from the Internet in English. Regarding validity, this study meets all required criteria. In order to answer the two formulated research questions, the observation and investigation techniques have been chosen to be the main instruments for data collection. The samples are taken from famous English political speeches by a large number of prominent representatives of each nation. REFERENCES In Vietnamese [1] Dià ¡Ã‚ »Ã¢â‚¬ ¡p Quang Ban (1999), Văn bà ¡Ã‚ ºÃ‚ £n và lià ªn kà ¡Ã‚ ºÃ‚ ¿t trong tià ¡Ã‚ ºÃ‚ ¿ng Vià ¡Ã‚ »Ã¢â‚¬ ¡t, NXB Già ¡o dà ¡Ã‚ »Ã‚ ¥c, Hà Nà ¡Ã‚ »Ã¢â€ž ¢i. [2] Dià ¡Ã‚ »Ã¢â‚¬ ¡p Quang Ban (2003), Giao tià ¡Ã‚ ºÃ‚ ¿p, văn bà ¡Ã‚ ºÃ‚ £n, mà ¡Ã‚ ºÃ‚ ¡ch là ¡Ã‚ ºÃ‚ ¡c, lià ªn kà ¡Ã‚ ºÃ‚ ¿t, NXB Khoa hà ¡Ã‚ »Ã‚ c Xà £ hà ¡Ã‚ »Ã¢â€ž ¢i. [3] Dià ¡Ã‚ »Ã¢â‚¬ ¡p Quang Ban (2009), Giao tià ¡Ã‚ ºÃ‚ ¿p, dià ¡Ã‚ »Ã¢â‚¬ ¦n ngà ´n và cà ¡Ã‚ ºÃ‚ ¥u tà ¡Ã‚ ºÃ‚ ¡o cà ¡Ã‚ »Ã‚ §a văn bà ¡Ã‚ ºÃ‚ £n, Nxb Già ¡o dà ¡Ã‚ »Ã‚ ¥c. [4] Nguyà ¡Ã‚ »Ã¢â‚¬ ¦n Ä à ¡Ã‚ »Ã‚ ©c Dà ¢n (1998), Ngà ¡Ã‚ »Ã‚ ¯ dà ¡Ã‚ »Ã‚ ¥ng hà ¡Ã‚ »Ã‚ c, Nxb Già ¡o dà ¡Ã‚ »Ã‚ ¥c, Hà Nà ¡Ã‚ »Ã¢â€ž ¢i. 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Sunday, October 13, 2019
Gangs of New York History vs. Hollywood Essay -- essays research paper
     The movie begins in New York, in 1843, with a gang fight. Bill â€Å"the butcher†Cutting’s gang of â€Å"nativists†have challenged the â€Å"dead rabbits†(a gang of mostly Irish immigrants) to a fight to settle once and for all who is the most powerful gang in the area. After an intense battle the â€Å"nativists†win by killing the leader of the â€Å"dead rabbits†, also Amsterdam’s (the main character’s) father.      Amsterdam is then led into an orphanage where he grows to be a man, all while Bill Cutting runs the Five Points, and most of New York. The Five Points is a district of New York City and obviously the most corrupt. Crime is all to common, and sickness runs rampant in the area.      Although very underdeveloped, Amsterdam has sworn to revenge his father’s death and kill Bill â€Å"the Butcher.†When Amsterdam leaves he immediately sets his plan in motion.      He begins by getting on Cutting’s good side, and eventually becoming somewhat of an apprentice to the crime lord. During this time Amsterdam learns the ways of corruption. To keep above the law Bill Cutting becomes partners with William Tweed, arguably the most corrupt politician of all time. Bill gives Tweed the Irish immigrant vote, and Boss Tweed keeps Cutting â€Å"high and dry.†     Two subplots develop in the movie also.      First, a love story, between Amsterdam and Jenny Everdeane. A pickpocket by trade Jenny first steals Amsterdam’s necklace. Because the necklace has much sentimental value, he tracks her down and gets it back, he also gets the girl.      Second, the Draft Riots of 1863. The riots began because of the draft, instated because of the Civil War. The public was furious that you could buy your way out for 300 dollars. Also because of the corruption surrounding the draft. It was easy to get sucked into the draft if you were poor or underprivileged and it was easy to get out of the draft if you were wealthy (you could buy your way out for 300 dollars.)      In the end Amsterdam reinvents the â€Å"dead rabbits†and schedules a fight with the â€Å"nativists†once again. It just so happens that the day they schedule the fight is the day the Draft Riots begin. The Union Army marches on the city and the Union ... ...citizens, only one was reported as being stabbed.      The film also shows East Asian people living in the Five Points. The Chinese didn’t begin moving to the U.S. until the transcontinental railroad, in the 1890’s.     Finally, the Union Navy was ported in New York but never fired a round, as in the movie. Also, the Five Points were not the epicenter of the riots, in fact they were the opposite. William Tweed worked diligently to keep the peace in the area, and only three counts of murder and looting were reported over the four days the riots took place.      I can only hope that this movie inspires viewers to discover the actual history. It’s extremely interesting stuff. The gangs of the Five Points established the model for the alliance of Irishmen, Jews, and Italians who created the more commonly known mobs during the 1920’s and prohibition. A path was established between the Dead Rabbits, the Plug Uglies, the Bowery B’hoys that continues today with the Latin Kings, the Crips, and the Bloods.      The true tale is a gruesome part of history, but an essential part none the less.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Truth and Order in Ionescos Bald Soprano Essay -- Bald Soprano Essays
Truth and Order in Ionesco's Bald Soprano     Any sense of order, of sense itself, is shattered and constantly questioned by Eugene Ionesco in his play "The Bald Soprano". A serious challenge is made against an absolute notion of truth. Characters throughout the play, however, continue to struggle to maintain and share a unified and orderly existence. Empiricism is espoused by several characters. They submit that life experience is all that is necessary to establish unshakable order and thus, truth. Mrs. Smith states, "Truth is never found in books, only in life" (29). While this empirical debate underscores the need for an unmediated knowledge of truth, Ionesco simultaneously undermines empiricism as a viable method of attaining it. On a basic level, order diminishes, deteriorates, and virtually disintegrates as the play proceeds.             Empiricism is essentially deductive in nature; a logical premise is established from direct sensory experience. This method calls into question even the most commonplace assumptions. Nothing is accepted as given without sufficient proof. In this manner ordinary events like tying one's shoe or reading the newspaper in the subway are made to seem extraordinary. Each otherwise mundane experience contains a new vitality. Mr. Martin exclaims, "One sees things even more extraordinary every day, when one walks around" (22). The characters seem to lack a certain sense of familiarity (or boredom, perhaps) with such mundane events. Each experience, regardless of size or scope, force the characters to constantly remain in the process of reevaluating and refining the most basic assumptions upon which their lives are based. Mrs. Smith's incessant externalized inner monologue at the open... ...le isolated statements cease to be intelligible. Ionesco's language late in the play is a language of non sequitirs and nonsense. Far from articulating a unified notion of truth, language unleashes the capacity to express a cacophony of voices and viewpoints. Unequivocal statements of any sort become virtually impossible because the power to negate them is embedded in the fabric of language itself. Ironically, as the play reaches its seemingly chaotic crescendo, Ionesco himself seems to submit to some vaguely cyclical notion of order. The dialogue of the players disintegrates and then reintegrates into a single sentence, thus allowing the play to begin again with new faces, but undoubtedly the same dramatic dà ©nouement.  Works Cited Ionesco, Eugene. "The Bald Soprano." Four Plays by Eugene Ionesco. Trans. Donald M. Allen. New York: Grove Weidenfeld, 1958.
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