Saturday, May 23, 2020
Speech on Euthanasia Essay - 1161 Words
Speech on Euthanasia I stand before you today in confrontation. I stand before you today equal to any man. I stand before you today with a challenge! I challenge any man who deems, their morals, their ethics, their beliefs, their conscience enough to find themselves fit to judge others. I challenge any man who deems himself fit to pass judgement upon another’s life. I challenge any man who believes they can play god. I challenge any man who believes in euthanasia. How can you believe in something you cannot justify? There is no justification in euthanasia so how can it even be considered to be preformed, how could anyone ever justify the taking of another’s life. A mercy killing is the†¦show more content†¦What does one do with such an old machine? It is thrown on the scrap heap. What does one do with a lame horse, with such an unproductive cow? No, I do not want to continue the comparison to the end--however fearful the justification for it and the symbolic force of it are. We are not dealing with machines, horses and cows whose only function is to serve mankind, to produce goods for man. One may smash them; one may slaughter them as soon as they no longer fulfil this function. No, we are dealing with human beings, our fellow human beings, our brothers and sisters. With poor people, sick people, if you like unproductive people. When does a life become worthless, the happiest man in the world is not necessarily the most productive, happiness and joy and love of life can remain when the ability to be productive has gone, true happiness lies within. Yet the manic depressants who have a perfect body, who are filled with hate, those who make life a desolate landscape of dejected feelings, those who turn the gift of life into a hell of misery, do they deserve life more than the terminally ill. True is it not that it is the people themselves that wish to die, that wish to be aided in suicide, to escape life to the sweet release of death. True it is those with the terminal illness that that make the sole decision upon there life, but whatShow MoreRelatedEuthanasia Speech Essay694 Words  | 3 PagesSpeech Imagine if a close relative of yours was dying of lung cancer. Each breath they took was agonizing. No medicine or drug could lessen their pain. Their life had become a torture. They ask you to end their torment. What would you do? If you helped to hasten their death, you would most likely go to prison for murder. What this relative has asked you to do is to commit Euthanasia. Websters Encyclopedia describes Euthanasia as the practice of hastening or causing the death of a personRead MorePersuasive Speech On Euthanasia1012 Words  | 5 Pagesout. Would you die slowly, experiencing inhuman suffer knowing that you can never escape the inevitable, living in fear of tomorrow, or would you choose to die a quick, painless and dignified death. And this choice introduces me to my speech topic – why should euthanasia be legalized? But firstly, we must ask ourselves: What makes us ‘human’? Our dignity. But what defines dignity? It is the ability to determine our destiny as individuals and is facilitated by our ability to think for ourselves. ImagineRead MorePersuasive Speech: Euthanasia2634 Words  | 11 PagesSPEECH OUTLINE (Persuasive Speech) Title : Euthanasia: To live and let die. Specific purpose : To persuade my audience that euthanasia should be legalized in Malaysia. Central idea : Euthanasia is about giving people the right to choose how they want to live and die, saves money in medical bills, and it also stops the person from having a bad quality of life. INTRODUCTION Attention getter : Imagine yourself being unable to walkRead MoreFirst Affirmative Constructive Speech : Euthanasia1177 Words  | 5 PagesFirst Affirmative Constructive Speech: Euthanasia A lady named Brittany Maynard who was twenty-nine years old had stage 4 of Glioblastoma Multiform, which is brain cancer. She had taken a lethal medication, given to her by her doctors in Portland, Oregon. On November 1, 2014 she had chosen to end her life by Euthanasia. surrounded by family and friends, she died peacefully in her bedroom, with her loved ones by her side. she had thought out her choice well enough to go through with it. she was anRead MoreArgumentative Speech Outline : Legalization Of Euthanasia1379 Words  | 6 PagesArgumentative Speech Outline: Legalization of Euthanasia Lexie Phongthai-Yochum Topic: Legalizing Euthanasia General Purpose: To argue Specific Purpose: To argue that euthanasia should be made available for terminal patients to end their suffering. Thesis Statement: Euthanasia should be made legal for terminal patients to end their suffering because 1) people should have the right to choose, 2) it helps save lives through organ donation, and 3) it can be regulated. Introduction According toRead MoreEuthanisa Outline1008 Words  | 5 PagesSAMPLE PERSUASIVE OUTLINE – AVERAGE Student Y February 17, 2005 Section AY Topic: Euthanasia Goal: To persuade the audience that physician-assisted suicide, which is a subset category of euthanasia, should be a legal option. Thesis: All terminally ill patients or individuals in chronic severe pain should have the option of a peaceful and quick death to minimize suffering. Introduction A. Attention Gaining Device: On November 23, 2000 my mother passed away. She had terminal ovarian cancerRead MoreIs there a morally important difference between killing someone and letting someone die?697 Words  | 3 Pagesactive and passive euthanasia and voluntary and involuntary euthanasia. Active euthanasia, sometimes referred to as ‘positive’ euthanasia, involves a deliberate act, such as lethal injection, that brings about death to a person. On the other hand, passive or ‘negative’ euthanasia is conventionally said to be the omission of an act. For example, when a doctor decides against administering life prolonging drugs or opts to turn off a life support machine, it is considered passive euthanasia. However, theseRead MoreEuthanasia Essay - The Legalization Of Euthanasia803 Words  | 4 PagesLegalization of Euthanasia [Speech Transcript] [Introduction] What is euthanasia? Euthanasia (derived from the Greek word euthanatos: eu- for good; thanatos for death) is the practice of intentionally ending a life in order to relieve intractable suffering. Intractable: adj. describes high complexity, which makes it difficult to change, manipulate, or resolve an issue. In this context, intractable suffering refers to terminal illnesses such as cancer, heart disease, or Ebola. TypesRead MoreDo You Think That the Right to Life Entails a Right to Die Under Certain Circumstances? Should the Law Be Changed to Grant a Universal Right to Voluntary Euthanasia?1000 Words  | 4 Pagesbe changed to grant a universal right to voluntary euthanasia?†. In this essay, I am going to give reasons using ethical theories to justify these questions. Euthanasia Euthanasia is the act of a physician or other third party ending a patients life in response to severe pain and suffering. Euthanasia can be classified into three types. They are voluntary euthanasia, non-voluntary euthanasia and involuntary euthanasia. Involuntary euthanasia is the action that takes the patient’s life withoutRead MoreDo You Think That the Right to Life Entails a Right to Die Under Certain Circumstances? Should the Law Be Changed to Grant a Universal Right to Voluntary Euthanasia?1008 Words  | 5 Pageslaws be changed to grant a universal right to voluntary euthanasia?†. In this essay, I am going to give reasons using ethical theories to justify these questions. Euthanasia Euthanasia is the act of a physician or other third party ending a patients life in response to severe pain and suffering. Euthanasia can be classified into three types. They are voluntary euthanasia, non-voluntary euthanasia and involuntary euthanasia. Involuntary euthanasia is the action that takes the patient’s life without
Monday, May 18, 2020
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
School Bullying An Analysis and Recommendations - 1765 Words
School Bullying As we become more educated as a society, we become more aware and willing to admit that the incidents of bullying are indeed damaging; the explanation that kids will be kids and that torment between children is just another aspect of growing up simply does not suffice any more as an acceptable answer for bad behavior. Furthermore, there is much evidence to suggest that bullying is on the rise. Peer abuse has always existed at school, but the kinds of kids who are harassing others have changed. The stereotype of yesteryear a physically intimidating, low-achieving, socially maladjusted loner no longer applies. Instead, bullies these days are, often as not, popular kids and academic achievers ¦ Girls are slightly more likely than boys to act out against others not physically, but by using tactics like alienation, ostracism and deliberate rumors calculated to inflict maximum psychological damage (Tyre, 2010). The numbers of reported bullying incidents have gone up signi ficantly and more and more experts on children, schools and education are speaking out on how bullying completely destroys a supportive school environment (Green, 2011). Children who are on the receiving end of bullying start to internalize truly detrimental thoughts and feelings about themselves which can prevent them from adequately adjusting to school and from developing in a safe and healthy manner (Green, 2011). For instance, in Baltimores school system, the city received 231 reportsShow MoreRelatedThe Psychological Impact Of Bullying1366 Words  | 6 PagesIn order to solve a problem in a school or elsewhere you need a plan, additionally, you need to find out the cause or causes of the problem before constructing your plan and this is where research comes in. Research conducted to solve issues or problems in schools or educational systems are termed Action Research. After sitting and discussing issues and problems in our education system we decided to tackle the issue of th e psychological impact of bullying. The purpose of our action research was toRead MoreSba Sample on Bullying1333 Words  | 6 PagesStatement Of Problem Topic: Bullying Focus Question: What effect does Bullying have on its victims and how are their emotional selves impacted? Guiding Questions: What are the signs of a person being bullied? At what age does the effect of bullying impact an individual the most? What causes someone to be bullied? Reason For Selecting Area of Research I chose the topic of bullying because I believe that it is a problem thatRead MoreSba Sample on Bullying1341 Words  | 6 PagesStatement Of Problem Topic: Bullying Focus Question: What effect does Bullying have on its victims and how are their emotional selves impacted? Guiding Questions: What are the signs of a person being bullied? At what age does the effect of bullying impact an individual the most? 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Another form is harassment, where a bully humiliates the victim by sending hurtful images, text messages, or emails about the victim. This form of bullying has grown with the recent trend of making memes. Memes are images containing a message meant to ridicule the victim. Myers (2006) adds that defamation and denigration is another form of Cyberbullying; the bully attacks and tarnishes the victims throughRead MoreConcept Paper: Bullying1640 Words  | 7 PagesDoctors’ Medical School Foundation Inc., ------------------------------------------------- Bulaong, General Santos City ------------------------------------------------- THESIS CONCEPT PAPER Group Members: Cherry Mae S. Bercero Date: June 24, 2013 Kenneth Jay M. Erasmo Florean Joyce J. Ramillano Keziah Keila C. Vallente Course: BS PSYCHOLOGY Part I. Research Topic / Area: The Level of Awareness on Bullying among Students of General Santos Doctors’ Medical School Foundation IncorporatedRead MoreHistorical Context. Recently, Society Is Showing Concern1591 Words  | 7 Pagespharmaceutical companies (Psychiatric Times, 2009, para. 1). When a diagnosis is added or removed from a diagnostic manual that creates demand for services, medicines, and funded research there needs to be federal government involvement. Policy Recommendations Analysis of the literature suggests that DSM-5’s removal of Asperger’s disorder has negative implications for children and adults on their identity and accessing services and supports. There is confusion in the many ways an Asperger person is referredRead MoreThe Impact Of Truant Behaviors In Schools1132 Words  | 5 Pagesstakeholders such as, schools, juvenile justice system and law enforcement. SB 1317, states that the families of truant youth are now being held responsible when a child is chronically truant (California Legislative Information , 2009). Furthermore, to help reduce youth delinquency, drug use and other criminal activities which involve the juvenile justice system, schools are required to maintain efficient records of attendance ( U.S. Department of Education, 2017). Schools In the state of CalifornianRead MoreCase Profile For The Council For Human Rights725 Words  | 3 PagesRUNNING HEAD: Case Profile Case Profile for The Council for Human Rights Chris Surfus, MBA, MPA Western Michigan University School of Public Affairs and Administration PADM-6400 Nonprofit Governance Professor Kelly Trusty, Ph.D. August 17, 2015 Case Profile for The Council for Human Rights Introduction Organization History The Council for Human Rights, formerly known as The Tolerance, Equality, and Awareness Movement or â€Å"TEAM,†is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt humanRead MoreBullying Prevention2457 Words  | 10 PagesProblem of bullying in schools Problem-solution essay Final draft Academic Reading and writing I Nurman Assima (ID: 20110635) November 25, 2011 Outline I. Introduction Thesis statement: Due to the fact that problem of bullying negatively affects students learning ability, their health and the entire school climate society should take definite and urgent measures to solve it. II. Background * School bullying is a kind of aggressive and angry behaviour. *
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay about The Industrial Revolution in America - 1118 Words
America has been expanding and growing since its birth out of Great Britain. The Industrial Revolution has been an influence in the American life since it first began in the 1700s. Many of the effects resulting from the revolution still affect America to this day. The entrepreneurs of this time and their industry still are around, although they have molded and shaped themselves into better products their still known from the originality of it all. Although the Industrial Revolution began hundreds of years ago it has affected everything on a global scale with other nations adapting from the innovations of this era. Economically speaking its increased money for the nation tremendously although the nation in debt to other nations to this day;†¦show more content†¦If people didn’t have farming and agricultural production they wouldn’t have all the different sorts of food products they do, nor would they be as abundant. Life would be like it was before the Industria l Revolution came about and most of us would still be growing our own food and barely scraping by in life. With all this agricultural expansion of the time population in England start expanding drastically as well. Thanks to population growth people started to worry more about new inventions and producing stuff for people to make our day to day lives easier than they could have ever before. With all the technological advancements leading up to Americas expansion and growth as a powerhouse among the larger nations it’s hard not to label this as one of the most marvelous eras in American history. Honestly, if it wasn’t for the Industrial Revolution this nation wouldn’t be near as large and advanced as it is. It’d still be in a process of development and still be advancing in technology and production but at a slower rate than what it did when this nation was hit by the effects of the Industrial Revolution. With the Industrial Revolution beginning in England around 1760 it gradually came to America over the years; however the effects were never fully felt until around 1830. It really all started in 1768 when the textile Industry was secretly brought to America by a man named Samuel Slater. â€Å"Slater told no one of his plans to leave England. If word spread, heShow MoreRelatedThe Industrial Revolution in America638 Words  | 2 PagesAmerica has been expanding and growing since its birth out of Great Britain. The Industrial Revolution has been an influence in the American life since it first in the 1700s. â€Å"Most families did not have enough to sell at the market- they had just enough for their own needs.†Up until the factories started booming and employment rates skyrocketed, people really couldn’t become wealthy and live a decent life. As the ways of farming grew the English at the time began to use up more and more land efficientlyRead MoreThe Impact Of The Industrial Revolution On America1060 Words  | 5 PagesThe American identity is built upon courage which ultimately leads to our success as a society because success can be achieved by anybody in America, this is shown leading up to the first half of the 20th century. During the first century and a half, the United States was focused on territorial expansion and economic growth. This led the United States to become a young vibrant nation. The next half century international and domestic events transpired which led the nation to become a world powerRead MoreThe Industrial Revolution And Latin America1609 Words  | 7 PagesThe Industrial Revolution Latin America in The Nineteenth Century ââ€" Only Japan underwent a major industrial transformation during the Nineteenth Century. ââ€" India, Egypt, Ottoman Empire, China and Latin America experimented in modern industry. ââ€" They were nowhere near the kind of major social transformation that had taken place in Britain, Europe, North America and Japan. ââ€" The profound impact of European and North American industrialization was hard to avoid. After Independence in Latin AmericaRead MoreEffects Of The Industrial Revolution On America1890 Words  | 8 PagesEffects of the Industrial Revolution in America As new resources and raw materials were found in the 1800’s, new inventions, such as, the telephone, Model-T Ford, and the light bulb were being produced. Throughout the Industrial Revolution in America, many useful inventions were created and these changed the United States into what we have today. Along with the inventions, new raw materials were being discovered. Some of these materials led to a substantial expansion in railroads, which led to moreRead MoreEffects Of The Industrial Revolution On America1908 Words  | 8 PagesEffect of the Industrial Revolution in America As new resources and raw materials were found in the 1800’s, new inventions, such as, the telephone, Model-T Ford, and the light bulb were being made. Throughout the Industrial Revolution in America, many useful inventions were created and these changed the United States into what we have today. Along with the inventions, new raw materials were being found. Some of these materials led to a substantial expansion in railroads, which led to more factoriesRead MoreImpact Of The Industrial Revolution On Australia And America1052 Words  | 5 PagesThe industrial revolution was the change of the world. These changes were a development of machines and technology to make life easier by making things. The industrial revolution has changed the lives of many. Not only did it make work easier, more people were employed and services were updated and improved. The industrial revolution population increased. More homes were built, food was much cheaper because there was lots to go around . The industrial revolution has changed Australia and America betweenRead MoreThe Industrial Revolution in North America Essay583 Words  | 3 PagesThe Industrial Revolution in North America The industrial revolution started around 1750. It began in Britain and it spread through out the World. England was known as â€Å"the world’s workshop†because at that point in time, England was the major manufacturing center of the World.(Bailey) It took about ten years for the industrial revolution to spread to other places. It spread to America. The Industrial Revolution was favorable to the AmericanRead MoreEffects Of The Industrial Revolution On America And England982 Words  | 4 PagesAs Stephen Gardiner once said, â€Å"The industrial revolution was another one of those extraordinary jumps forward in the story of civilization.†The Industrial Revolution was in fact an extraordinary jump in the development of the U.S. It created a foundation for what the U.S is today socially, economically, and politically. The Industrial Revolution played a major role in the industrialization and modernization and still has effects to this day. These effects lead to more trade, better transportationRead MoreThe Impact of the Industrial Revolution in America Essay1184 Words  | 5 Pages There is no question that the Industrial Revolution had an enormous impact on American society between 1870 and 1940, but the question is what kind of an impact did it have during this period. The overall effect of the Industrial Revolution turned out to be a positive push towards modernization in America. As Stephen Gardiner, a British architect and writer during the 20th century, said, â€Å"The Industrial Revolution was another one of those extraordinary jumps forward in the story of civilizationRead MoreThe Industrial Revolution Is The Cornerstone Of What Makes America958 Words  | 4 PagesThe Industrial Revolution is the cornerstone of what makes America, the modern America. Even though we label this period of time a revolution, it actually began in Britain. It was a significant movement of advance of the time, but went through many trials and tri bulations. At the end of the eighteenth century, England and France both underwent revolutions: France the French Revolution, England the industrial revolution (Sharp 2012). America was able to learn from the Britain and take advantage of
Yupik (Eskimo) Free Essays
The Yupik or the Eskimo is famously known for its ice dwellings known as igloos. Their adaptive characteristics to environment especially in the snow caps are very extraordinary. This paper shows the background including the origin and expansion of this group of people. We will write a custom essay sample on Yupik (Eskimo) or any similar topic only for you Order Now It also tackles the culture and the composition of the Eskimo tribe as well as their ways of living. Background on the Yupik People The Eskimo is a group of interrelated tribes who occupies the location from Siberian Arctic up to Canada and Greenland. The word Eskimo comes from the Algonquin language which means â€Å"raw flesh eaters†. The Yupik are classified as a sub-group of the Eskimos and also referred to as the Siberian Yupik or Siberian Eskimos (Vajda). The Yupik people spend their time living in the along the watershed coasts of the rivers of Yukon and Kuskokwim Rivers. These rivers flow towards to the west passing by southwest Alaska and ends at the Bering Sea. The Yup’iks are regarded as the most numbered groups among the Inuit groups in Alaska. Origin and Expansion. The ancestors of the Yupik people are believed to have reached the ice caps of Alaska and Russia during the third and final migration from Asia which occurred ten to eleven thousand years ago at the latter part of the Ice Age. Edward Vajda cites that archeological and linguistic evidences show that the direct ancestors of the Yupik people over the Bering Strait through the presence of the Bering land that time. Their ancestors are said to have lived in the areas of Siberian Bering and Arctic Sea coasts before the arrival of Chukchi and Korak tribes from the South From their base in the current location in West Alaska, they separated into two (2) distinct groups: (1) the Eskimos, and (2) the Aleuts. After some time, explorers, traders and settlers from Europe and Russia came during the 1800’s. However, this event created setbacks to the Yupik because their communities suffered deadly epidemic diseases like smallpox, influenza, and tuberculosis. Ways of Living The homes of Yupik are designed to be flat, with treeless tundra landscapes with multiple numbers of lakes. In the previous times, they were found residing in houses made of wood and whalebones as the fundamental structures. The walrus skins are covered into the sides and the insides were lightened by bowl shaped clay lamps, or those made of carved stones. During winters, they stay in walrus hide and plank tents although before, they lived in the so-called igloos which are also known as â€Å"nynglu†. At summer time, their homes are made of wood covered with walrus skins forming the shape of a rectangle. Today, the Yupik now live in modern houses powered by electricity and petroleum oil instead of seal oil which was used by them previously. They also have glass walls around their houses. One difference between the American and Siberian Eskimos as pointed out by Vajda is the presence of men’s communal house or commonly known as â€Å"kashim†which is common among the American Yupik rather than the Siberian Yupik. For their livelihood, the Yupik people rely on the oceans and rivers since there are located along the shores. They still continue to hunt and get their own food even if there are suppliers of food on stores coming from ships and planes of other countries. Hunting fish is the major source of food for the Yupik especially for those living on the islands. During summer, salmons caught from rivers are dried for the winter season. Walrus meat were dried and stored in a semi-cold temperature so that they can be fermented and boiled up as food. (Vajda) Other varieties of available fish include: (1) cod, (2) halibut, and (3) herring. For additional dietary supplements, they also hunt down seals and walruses which are very common along the Bering Sea and they also consume shellfishes, terrestrial mammals (moose and caribou), birds, bird eggs, and plants. According to Vajda, they hunt the walruses by using open leather boats known as â€Å"angyapik†and small canoes known as â€Å"kayaks†. They use a whalebone clapper which produces the killer whale sound that drives the walruses and seals towards the shore where the hunters with spears are awaiting for them. Whale hunting was also a routine but only rarely because one whale can feed the whole village of Yupik. The Yupik people use dogs as their pack animals. (Vajda) They store their food in underground caches located in their houses. For their transportation, the Yupik people use land vehicles and snow mobiles. For sea transportation and hunting, they use the â€Å"Umiaks†which are boats made from walrus’ skins. Before, snails and oars were used in propelling the boats but as the world modernizes, so are their boats which use outdoor motors. Culture and People Characteristics Yupik are said to be well adaptive to new surroundings and strong individuals. On the other hand, upon going with the flow to new ways of living, the Yupik customs and culture remained strong and intact. Their customs are mainly focused on the rituals of hunting and sharing. Their relationship with other groups such as the Chukotka brought back the practices of trade and intermarriage. The Yupik are composed of male exogamic clans or lineages. Each clan or lineage has a unique myth or origin of existence and every clan member who dies is buried in a single location exclusively for the clan. The returns from hunts and foragings are equally shared among the clan members. According to studies, the clans in the pasts owned large dwelling houses which can house around 200 to 400 members of their respective clans. (Vajda) Language, Writing and Education. The language being used by the Yupik people belong to the Yupik branch of the Eskimo family. The Yupik language and writing were developed by the missionaries in the 1800’s who formulated a way of inserting the Latin alphabet (shown in Figure 1) in writing Yupik. The language was named after a missionary named John Hinz and was also used in publishing translations of the Bible and other religious scriptures. In Siberia, the use of Cyrillic language (shown in Figure 2) was developed by scholars although some who know the way of writing Yupik tend to write in Russian instead. By 1960’s at the University of Alaska, a group of scholars with the assistance from native Yupik speakers gathered together in order to formulate a new orthography for Yupik. One of their objectives was to devise an orthography that could be encoded on an English keyboard, without the presence of accent marks or extra letters. Aside from that, they also desired to symbolize the individual sounds or the pronunciation of the language with separate letters. (Vajda) The Yupik language is spoken by approximately 11,800 people who live at Alaska and Siberia. The Yupik writing is composed by the Latin alphabet in Alaska and Cyrillic alphabet in Siberia. In Russia, 800 of the 1700 Yupik speak the Yupik language fluently. Most Yupik also speak the Chukchi and the Russian language fluently. (Vajda) According to Ray Barnhardt (1999), the education is reaching the people on Alaska particularly the Yupiks. One of the good signs that were reported by Barnhardt (1999) is the enhancement of knowledge and skills of teachers and soon to be teachers in the region through short education courses. These developments are essential for personal growth for the Yupiks through education aside from lessons learned from experiences. Figure 1 (Latin Alphabet for Yupik) Figure 2 (Cyrillic Alphabet for Yupik) Beliefs and Religion The Yupik according to Vajda are animists whose beliefs in resemblance with those of the Chukchi people. For them the killer whale, raven and wolf are considered sacred and must not be executed. The Yupik, as well as the the Chukchi and Korak, believes that Raven had created the world. The swallow (bird) is also paid respect and honor because it was thought to protect hunters at sea. Killer whales are also revered as protectors of hunters; it was also thought that the killer whale turns into a wolf in winter and devoured the reindeer unless some of the reindeer submitted to the hunters. Ritual meals are concluded by throwing a piece of meat into the sea to bless and thank the killer whales which are believed as the cause of their catches. More than among American Eskimo groups, Siberian Yupik shamanism is inclined toward placating or giving importance to the sea animals in which the clans depended on for nourishment. There are also special ceremonies which were held before the departure of hunting boats as asking for guidance and bounty for food. (Vajda) Conclusion The culture of the Yupik / Eskimo people is amazing because of two things. One is because of their ability to adapt to environment for survival. Surviving in a low temperature location like in Alaska, Greenland or Siberia requires expertise in keeping oneself warm at all occasions. The supply and availability of food is not that high in lower temperature places but the ability of this group to find ways in order for them to adapt and be well versed in this kind of environment. This paper has shown way beyond the pictures of igloos and the Eskimos on textbooks of students. Second and most importantly is their ability to retain its culture and customs despite the adaptive measures and global changes that happen frequently. This is manifested through their religion and beliefs which if compared today’s beliefs and the existing religion will make theirs primitive. Beyond these changes and adaptations, the notion of keeping ones identity despite changes is what people and clans can admire and imitate from the Yupik people. How to cite Yupik (Eskimo), Papers
The Hobbit By JRR Tolken Essay Research free essay sample
The Hobbit By J.R.R. Tolken Essay, Research Paper The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolken Bilbo Baggins is a hobbit, one of a race of short, timid animals who live in cosy tunnels and who prefer to maintain their lives ordered and predictable. One twenty-four hours, he out of the blue finds himself playing host to Gandalf the ace and 13 midgets. The midgets, with Gandalf # 8217 ; s assist, program to go to the Lonely Mountain to retrieve the hoarded wealth that a firedrake named Smaug stole from their people long ago. Gandalf has selected Bilbo to be their burglar. The midgets are non excessively happy with the ace # 8217 ; s pick, particularly when Bilbo swoons at the first talk of danger. But Gandalf insists there is more to the small hobbit than meets the oculus. Bilbo himself is non certain that he is happy about being chosen burglar. But a portion of him does hanker for escapade, and so one spring forenoon he finds himself puting out for Lonely Mountain with Gandalf and the 13 midgets. We will write a custom essay sample on The Hobbit By JRR Tolken Essay Research or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He does non turn out really helpful at first. But so something happens that alterations Bilbo # 8217 ; s life. He finds a charming ring that makes him unseeable, and has several chances to utilize it to deliver the midgets from danger and imprisonment. They go rather impressed by him, and even trust on him, merely as Gandalf foretold. Bilbo and the midgets eventually reach Lonely Mountain, the place of Smaug the firedrake. The midgets send Bilbo down a secret transition to the firedrake # 8217 ; s den. Bilbo has more assurance in himself now and non merely steals a cup, but manages to keep his ain in a conversation with the crafty Smaug ( non an easy thing to make ) .Furious that person has dared steal a piece of his hoarded wealth, Smaug onslaughts the versant where the midgets have their cantonment. Then he flies toward Lake- town, to penalize the dwellers for assisting the midgets. The people of Lake-town tally at the sight of Smaug, but one adult male, Bard, holds his land. He kills the firedrake with his last pointer and flights before Smaug falls, nailing the town. Believing the midgets are dead, an ground forces of work forces, led by Bard, and an ground forces of elves march toward the Lonely Mountain to split the hoarded wealth. They find to their surprise that the midgets are still alive. Bard, because he killed the firedrake, claims his rightful portion of the hoarded wealth. When the midgets refuse to resignation it, the ground forces besieges the mountain. Bilbo tries to stop the difference by stealing the Arkenstone, the piece of hoarded wealth most valued by the leade R of the midgets. He gives the gem to Bard, trusting it can be used to coerce the midgets to negociate. Bilbo # 8217 ; s courage wins him praise from all but the midgets, who are ferocious with him. When more midgets arrive from the North, they are determined to contend. Just as war begins to interrupt out, an ground forces of hobs and wild wolves onslaught. The midgets, elves, and work forces forget their differences and fall in together to maintain from being killed. Help comesat the clip of greatest demand, and the hobs are defeated. Bilbo finds that he # 8217 ; s a hero, honored by work forces and elves and even given a portion of the hoarded wealth. But he # 8217 ; s had sufficiency of escapade and sets off for place with Gandalf. Once at that place, he finds that his house and trappingss are being auctioned off, since everyone believed him dead. Finally, everything is straightened out and he is able to settle down once more into his old, comfy life. Although from so on, he is considered bizarre by his neighbours, he continues his friendly relationship with elves and midgets and the ace, merrily telling his narratives to any who will listen. Subjects are rather apparent throughout the narrative of The Hobbit and some of them were more important than others. The inquiry of determinism is merely hinted at in the last chapter of The Hobbit, when Gandalf suggests to Bilbo that his escapades may hold been completed for some higher intent. In The Hobbit the immoralities of possessiveness can be easy seen. The hobbits are corrupted by their desire for hoarded wealth, and their greed about leads to war with work forces and elves. The chief subject that prevails in this Tolken novel is the on traveling battle between the elite and the plebeians. This can be seen most clearly in The Hobbit. They are weak and frequently foolish, yet capable of great Acts of the Apostless of gallantry that amaze even the really wise and the such as when Bilbo stole the ownerships of Smaug. The Hobbit was a heroic poem novel written by the greatest writer of his clip. The Hobbit falls in the series of books that include The Lord of the Rings and have a full book decision to the trilogy called The Simacurilium. The manner that Tolken writes his book is a manner that brings forth the fealing that it is being read to aloud and the reader is acctually along side Gandalf due to the usage of vivid words and different literary techniques. The novels are rather deserving reading and a 1 is promised that they shall non acquire bored with Gandalf and all his fantastic escapades.
Friday, May 1, 2020
Administrative Strategy of Australian Universities-Free-Samples
Question: State and evaluate the reasons why University of Australia is facing problems in the Brini Island of Pacific in regards to its administration. Answer: Identification of problems and analyzing The University of Australia has opened successfully a new campus in Brini which is a Pacific Island Nation. However, it met with a few challenges in the beginning in terms of establishing connections with the local culture and an interpersonal relation is also a matter of big trust. However this problem also being retained further while managing the top management by the Director Manager Jack Solan. The administrative team of University of Australia was also not disciplined and also there are many other problems which are listed below. Building Trust and cultural connections The Uncertainty and Reduction Theory is one of the major theories which describe about the process through which one gains knowledge about a stranger by going through the steps of uncertainty. This level of uncertainty enhances the distance between the people (Hogg, 2016). This can be reduced through waging interactive strategies of asking questions and self disclosure. This theory can be related to the problem when Jack Solan, who was an outsider, the managing director of University of Australia noticed some of the major business practices compared to the country Australia. He faced uncertainty behavior from the local organizations while he attended meeting with the Government. He was completely ignored and the discussion was carried on in the local language. Later Kevin Balna, the Director from Brini said that the outsiders are not trusted normally (Smith, 2013). Administrative Management Theory by Henry Fayol According to this theory, while running a business, the division of the work is needed to be proper and accordingly there must be a discipline which is the true identity of the business. It means the business must have specific goals and objectives (Murugesan, 2014). The justice needs to be done with the work and the unity of the command has to be strict to ensure the running of the business properly. This can be evaluated with the problems that are being happening inside the University of Australia. Inside the University, Jack Solan noticed that the administrative staffs have chosen different timings of their arrival. Even the other rooms were left completely which gives idea that the low enrollments in the work place are taking place. While Solan asked the problems to the staff of administration, the managers never gave any proper guidance to the administrative staffs and also on the other hand, the school students are not receiving any proper quality of education which the univers ity completely overlooked the matter. The administrative departments of the University also did not have any specific goals and objectives to run the management properly (Sapru, 2013). Therefore, it needs to be taken into account about linking the theory with this problem. The need of the implementation of the theory is a must process and accordingly the causes of the problem will be solved. Behavioral Theory of Leadership The main focus of this theory is to study the different behaviors of the Leaders who exercise tremendous influence on the working s of the group (Northhouse, 2015). However, linking to the case study, Jack Solan noticed that it could be said that the certain objectives of the University were being hideen from the Staff as Kevin who is the Director implemented it without consulting Jack Solan as the latter does not carry any past experience about the country and their local behaviors (Northhouse, 2015). Therefore, behind Solan, the teams were given certain impartial objectives which are implemented and resulting to the improper management of the teams. Therefore, the behavior of the leader is must to look down the administration of his team and manage them accordingly. The main causes of these problems can be summarized in two causes. Firstly, if it is taken the immediate cause, there is no availability of the written documents which could set out the objectives of the Business procedures. Secondly, the most important is Jack Solan who is an Australian who is regarded as a Manager Director was not trusted completely by other local senior managers. It might happen they do not want Jack to interfere in the business strategy and as a result the local managers must take care of the administration. The role of ethnicity and motivation play a significant role in this particular case study. Major Problems identified The major problems that could be identified in this case study are Inter cultural and trust issues The intercultural and Trust issues are considered one of the basic problems in this case study. Firstly Jack Solan who is an Australian was appointed as a Director Manager of this University of Australia in Brini Campus which is a Pacific Island Nation. However Jack Solan being an Australian faced some of the cultural or ethnic issues while a meeting was waged with the local organizations and the Government where Solan was completely ignored in the meeting as Outsiders are not trusted completely. Next, without Jack Nolans permission, the objectives of the University are not being cleared to the various administrative departments of the University Of Australia by the Director Kevin who is a local senior manager. Thus, the ethnic division and treating an outsider differently is a question of cultural issue and this needs to be addressed immediately with certain steps and properly (Beirne Hunter, 2013). Lack of Administrative objectives There is a lack which has been noticed by Jack Solan in the sphere of administrative work. At 9:30 am regularly, there would be no one at their desks, phones ring and there is no one to answer. The staff members were not directed properly by the managers to handle the administration well. The most important problem is that the students are not being getting quality education and via nice teaching. Therefore, there are several lacks in the workings of the administrative procedures which are needed to be taken into account properly. If these problems are being let continued without proper supervision, it in the end might hamper the prosperity of the University campus. Facing Tough competition Before opening a campus of the University of Australia in the Brinie island, the challenges were that the children over there prefer to achieve degree in Oxford and Harvard University which are considered as the important and prosperous University. The Vice Chancellor of University of Australia told Jack Solan that both Oxford and Harvard Universities are planning to open their branches in the Brinie campus and it might attract more students for their quality education and teaching. Therefore, this needs to be taken care of by the management of the University. General Evaluation Ethnic Problems are the major concerns in the different spheres of the institutions of the state, it can take place in the job sphere, educational policy and also incorporates the lingual rights and development. Jack Solan was ignored in the meeting and the conversation among the groups was carried out in the different language and his concerns are not being properly addressed by the other people who are local and working in the University. To solve this problem in the university management, in order to implement the objectives People are needed to take part in the decision making process in order to understand the important problems that an organization is facing. Proper communication is necessary in order to cooperate with the other groups of people of the management team (Kornblum, Seccombe Julian, 2017). It is the responsibility of the Vice Chancellor of the University to recruit more Australians so that they can address the problems of decision making procedures (Kornblum, Seccombe Julian, 2017; Holshinger, 2013; Mooney, Knowx Schacht, 2014). Jack Solan should have been strict enough to address the problems properly . He lacked the quality of leadership and with a sound mind, being a manager director it is his prior responsibility to wage cooperation with the other staffs and approach their basic problems by learning some of their local languages. The advantages of these solutions are that these can be the major incentives to the one that if it is implemented properly without hesitation, the much of the problems can be solved. The Vice Chancellor is needed to stay updated about the problems so that he can take steps through the registrar of the University. Jack Solan on the other hand must develop the strict leadership to handle the problems and inform into the Vice Chancellor to take further steps and also at the same time, he needs to state the reasons that why he is kept debarred from important conversations and notices. Updates to the VC and waging communication to the staffs, accordingly taking steps are the advantages that can happen. However, the disadvantages can happen is that, other than the ethnic problems, a conspiracy can be waged behind the managing director tom spoil his career if he tries to take steps properly against the management of the University. The local seniors can take step against him for being boast ing of himself and trying to bring changes in the administrative workings. Lack of Administrative objectives is another form of disadvantages in the efficient workings of the administration To render good quality of education, enrollment of the proper faculty teacher needs to be done so that they can teach their own genre subjects to the students properly. For this the enrollment needs to happen very effectively and the teacher must be judged on the ground of knowledge of their subject (Ramirez Christensen, 2013). The advantage of this solution is that the management would do a favor to the university by making it prosperous by recruiting efficient teachers to give good quality education. The disadvantage of this problem is that the University of Australia that they do not have any specific goals to recruit teachers. Therefore, to address this disadvantage, proper solution needs to be addressed properly. The enrollment of the proper managers is needed to take place who can take of the team members of various departments. The staffs are needed to come in time strictly and the rule needs to be making mandatory. The employer can only grant leave to the employee on the serious conditions relating to family or health. If a long absence happens, the team member must be warned about it (Musselin, 2013; Kornblum, Seccombe Julian, 2017; Shaw, 2015). The University must promise the staff to give benefits to the employees so that they are being encouraged to turn up in the office and show their workforce in the university sphere (Musselin, 2013). They must be engaged into huge workloads. The advantage of this policy is that the workers can indulge themselves into more work and they would be enthusiastic to come and visit offices. However the disadvantage can happen is that too much work pressure can make the office workers irritated and this might result to leaving offices. Therefore nothing too much and too less is good for the health of the business objectives. A strategy needs to be developed in order to make the working of the various departments of the University efficient. The enrollment of the good managers must also happen on the basis of their way of administrating and skills they gathered from the previous experiences so accordingly they needs to be recruited having various ethnic backgrounds (Musselin, 2013). The advantage about this is that the people met the requirements of the managerial skills would be recruited to serve the terms of office. The disadvantage can happen in terms of recruiting proper people for the proper post is that the recruitment strategies are needed to be updated, if following the old recruitment strategy later on it would result to the high turnover of the employees (Musselin, 2013). Facing tough competition from the other universities such as Oxford and Harvard is a matter of concern. As The University of Australia in the Brine Campus is the new University, the working needs to be effective In terms of recruiting teachers Proper disciplines among the members of the University Reducing differences among the workers Directing perfect group. The disadvantages of each of the solution is the motivation of the self interested people who is running the business for their own self, if they are being not checked properly, the University might face lost of troubles. The advantages, is the proper implementation of the solutions and making it more competitive. Recommendation The recommendation offered as a whole to these problems is to have a specific business strategy to solve the problems of the ongoing problems. A perfect business strategy based on quality needs to be proposed so that in terms of administrative reforms and equity done to both workers and Children to take part in the discussion. The proper consultation with the University head and the management team needs to done properly and question them why these problems are happenings and accordingly the major steps are needed to be discussed. Implementation Who What When and Where How Cost University of Vice Chancellor Called the meeting -To discuss the important issues facing by the manager directors in terms of handling the administration. -Important points are needed to be discussed in terms of staff satisfaction by providing benefits or bonus and give them work so that they can come regularly to office. -To achieve business goals and objectives. 28th August, 2017 Office of Melbourne -Vice Chancellor to arrange a meeting in order to explain the reason of the reviews put forwarded by the Managing Director of the University. - The expense cost needs to be set up for enrolling teachers in schools References Beirne, M., Hunter, P. (2013). 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