Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Essay about Smoking Cigarettes - 3025 Words
Thank you for your warm welcome. Good afternoon. David, thank you for your introduction. To David, Dr. Cynthia Callard and all the others in the organization known as Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada, thank you for having invited me to be part of this day. Also, thank you for giving me this opportunity to speak with you about our common commitment against smoking. And let me also say how much I admire the work that has been done by the members of the Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada. As David mentioned, because of the nature of your profession, you see up close and first hand the effects of tobacco use. You have seen its toll and you have decided to move beyond treating its symptoms to confronting its causes and by bringing your†¦show more content†¦They are making services available to people who do smoke now but who want to quit. Each year, this week is an opportunity for health partners to assess our collective progress and to identify the work ahead of us. And we all know there is much work to do. Smoking is, by far, the leading cause of preventable death in Canada today. As David Esdaile mentioned, the current estimate is that 45,000 Canadians lives end prematurely every year because of tobacco use. The hundreds of young people who start smoking every day run the risk of developing a lifelong addiction that will sap their vitality, reduce their enjoyment of life and lead to an early death. And I am someone who knows the power of that addiction. I began smoking cigarettes when I was 13 years of age and I smoked heavily until I was 35. I tried in vain a hundred times to quit. And although it has now been 15 years since I quit, I can still understand vividly and very personally the difficulty that smokers face when they try to put it aside. As a father of children who are now at the most vulnerable age in terms of the temptation to smoke, I want to do everything I can to keep them from that addiction. And like probably everybody in this room, my family has been touched by illness caused by tobacco. That experience lends a special sense of urgency to the work in which we are engaged together. So, this National Non-Smoking Week presents an opportunity for the government of Canada and for this MinisterShow MoreRelatedThe Smoking Of Cigarette Smoking855 Words  | 4 Pageschild as well. What a mother ingests is what her growing fetus ingests through her umbilical cord; the life line from the mother to the precious innocent life she holds so dear. The goal of this paper is to give some insight on the use of cigarette smoking in pregnancy. Let’s begin with a short history of what was previously called Nicotiana. Today it is known to humans as Tobacco. Tobacco has been in existence prior to Pre-Columbian America (900 – 1500) when it was first discovered as an herbRead MoreThe Dangers Of Cigarette Smoking Essay1669 Words  | 7 Pages People smoke cigarettes for various reasons. 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In America yearly, more than 480,000 deaths occur due to cigarette smoking; within those numbers more than 41,000 deaths are due to inhalation of second hand smoke. As we progress and advertisement for the serious complications of cigarette smoking continues to increase our world begins to show a decline in the amount of cigarette smokers. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention states that there hasRead MoreThe Dangers of Cigarette Smoking1040 Words  | 5 PagesCigarette smoking is a dangerous habit that most users regret starting on. Nowadays, smoking can cause health problems for any human. Whether or not cigarette smoking should be banned completely, has become an object of controversy in many countries. Some people think that smoking cigarettes are a helpful way to reduce stress for the moment. In my point of view, tobacco smoking has seriously negative effects such as smoking-related cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases, cancer and it costsRead MoreThe Dangers Of Smoking Cigarettes786 Words  | 4 PagesDangers of Smoking Cigarettes are everywhere. They’re sold in almost every gas station, pharmaceutical store, and even ordinary grocery stores in the United States. Cigarettes have endorsements from celebrities, big tobacco companies, advertised on billboards, and through commercials. Smoking is a problem because it causes diseases which cost billions of dollars a year in healthcare. It is also the leading cause of diseases and deaths in the US. Smoking cigarettes is an unhealthy habit that unfortunelyRead MoreEssay Smoking Cigarettes538 Words  | 3 PagesSmoking Cigarettes In todays society, three out of five Americans are addicted to smoking cigarettes. In other words, every individual in America is either a smoker or has a friend or relative who smokes. The tobacco industry is one of Americas largest growing industries. There are many smokers and non-smokers in the world and just the same there are many differences and similarities between the two. From being treated different publicly to being looked atRead MoreThe Death Of Smoking Cigarettes Essay1532 Words  | 7 Pages Living a life without smoking cigarettes seemed like death, ironic for what cigarettes do to a human. Who couldn’t love the sensation after smoking just one cigarette? That question always confused me. That was until I saw the light in my life. I found a reason to stop, a reason to be human again and not some obsessed, crazy girl who was seen living in the shadows of her life rather than in the important stages of youth and mortality. Addiction, whether it is cigarettes, alcohol, or drugs, canRead MoreSmoking Cigarettes Should Be Banned927 Words  | 4 Pagestruly is to themselves and the ones around them. How is it so bad for someone who isn’t smoking, but is around a smoker? Why are cigarettes so damaging to a person’s body? Why do some people get so bent out of shape when a person smokes in a public place? What is so wrong with smoking in the car with children? What is so wrong with smoking an electronic cigarette? Smoking cigarettes and electronic cigarettes are very harmful to your body, but when you smoke in a public place or around other people
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