Thursday, January 2, 2020
The Negative Effects of Imperialism in Nigeria (its...
Nigeria is a country with abundant resources and the potential to be a very powerful nation, but it is hampered by many problems. These problems are caused by NigeriaÂ’s colonization by England. Because of this intrusion on their way of life, their future was altered dramatically. The nation of Nigeria as a whole has suffered greatly as a country because of this colonization, its problem is rooted in the way it was colonized and ruled. The background of the situation is essential to understand its full impact From the way Nigeria was colonized, it was clear from the start that it would bode ill for the future inhabitants of Nigeria. Beginning in the 19th century, the British started to make their presence felt along the coast. In earlier†¦show more content†¦Instead of focusing on diversifying, the leaders of the country focus on gaining power and standing in the government. “NigeriaÂ’s most daunting challenge lies in overcoming the severe divisions among its competing religious and ethnic groups†. Moreover, once they gain it, their problems do not end, since they must look over their back, never knowing how long they will hold on to the little power they have. Meanwhile, the common person suffers, as he is neglected by his government and must survive on his own. “The standard of living declined even further than before and external debts increased.†This neglect of the common man bode s ill for the government, as it is the common man who votes in the polls. However, the vote does very little, since corruption is rampant in Nigeria. Two futures for Africa are possible-one with a democratic and stable Nigeria, and one with a Nigeria stricken by autocratic rule, corruption, and intermittent coups. An entire continent awaits the result of the Nigerian experiment with democracy. Nigeria has the resources and can provide leadership to foster greater regional and international cooperation, leadership that many of Nigerias neighbors need. A successful Nigerian democracy would provide hope for many of Africas other burgeoning democracies. The biggest problem with the government of Nigeria in regard to its malpractice towards the people is the unchecked corruption. “AShow MoreRelatedDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words  | 1617 PagesBehavior that helps you actively study and prepare material for class. Chapter-by-chapter activities, including built-in pretests and posttests, focus on what you need to learn and to review in order to succeed. Visit to learn more. DEVELOPING MANAGEMENT SKILLS EIGHTH EDITION David A. Whetten BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY Kim S. 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